The base block type is a variant of the base type, but having a content structure to support block level children - elements but no text.
Complex type information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Properties: Abstract
- Empty content
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
xml:base | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | denotes an attribute whose value provides a URI to be used as the base for interpreting any relative URIs in the scope of the element on which it appears; its value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the XML Base specification. | from group uslm:XmlSpecialAttrs |
xml:lang | [0..1] | Anonymous | denotes an attribute whose value is a language code for the natural language of the content of any element; its value is inherited. | from group uslm:XmlSpecialAttrs |
xml:space | [0..1] | Anonymous | denotes an attribute whose value is a keyword indicating what whitespace processing discipline is intended for the content of the element; its value is inherited. | from group uslm:XmlSpecialAttrs |
id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | The @id attribute should always be assigned an immutable (non-changing) value. If the item is subject to renaming or renumbering, then the @id attribute should not reflect any part of the changeable part. This is to allow the @id to be long lasting without causing confusion should the item be renamed or renumbered. The @id should be prefixed with "id" and followed by a GUID that is guaranteed to be globally unique across both time and space. As an "xsd:ID", the identity must be ensured to be unique in the document - and it is a good idea that it be guaranteed globally unique. As the @id is immutable, it is a good identity with which to associate external information to the item. If an item is deleted and later a similarly named item is created, then the new item should be assigned a newly generated identity as it is not the same item as the earlier item. The @id attribute is optional, but recommended for all elements which will contain any other identity attributes. | from group uslm:IdentificationGroup |
temporalId | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @temporalId attribute is a name, scoped to the document, that is intended to reflect the current identify of the element in a human-readable way. This means that the @temporalId may need to be recomputed based on the temporal state of a document or according to the temporal specification in a requesting URL. A @temporalId is intended to be scoped to the document as a whole while the @name is scoped to its immediate parent. The @temporalId is built as an "_" separated hierarchy of @name or, in the absence of an @name, element names. However, in a couple cases, the levels of the hierarchy are suppressed. First of all, the <main> level is suppressed when calculating any @temporalId contained within. Secondly, when dealing with sections which are numbered as a sequence without regard to the upper levels, then the upper levels are suppressed from the computation of the @temporalId. Some examples: * "s2" - section 2 in the main part of the document * "schedule_s2" - section 2 in the schedule * "pt2_d1" - division 1 of part 2 in the main part of the document The @temporalId attribute is optional. | from group uslm:IdentificationGroup |
identifier | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | Use the @identifier attribute to specify the URL context of the element. Typically, the @identifier will be established on the root element or on any element, such as a <quotedContent> element, that changes the context. The @identifier attribute is optional. | from group uslm:IdentificationGroup |
scope | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | Use the @scope attribute to specify the scope within which the @identifier attribute is valid. Typically, @scope is formatted as a URL, referring to a specific context. @scope is used for terms within in definitions to specify the scope of the definition. The @scope attribute is optional. | from group uslm:IdentificationGroup |
role | [0..1] | uslm:ShortStringSimpleType | Use the @role attribute to provide further refinement to an element's type. This is particularly useful when defining a refinement of an element from the abstract set. Another possible use is to use the customary local name for an element whenever the element name is not a complete match. For example, if the customary name for an "explanation" is "summary", then the element can be expressed as <explanation role="summary">. There is a rough equivalence between an element of a base class with a @role attribute and a derived class in the schema, although this equivalence is not explicit. For example <level role="division"> is roughly equal to <division>. When transforming XML to HTML, the @role attribute should be appended to the element name using an "_" underscore and used as the first value in the HTML @class attribute. If desired, the proposed XHTML @role attribute can be computed as either the XML @role attribute or, in the absence of the XML @role attribute, the XML element name. For example: <level role="division"> => <div role="division" class="level_division"> <division> => <div role="division" class="division"> This approach is easily reversible. In a similar way to the @class attribute, multiple role values can be specified in a space separated list. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
class | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @class attribute corresponds to the @class attribute in HTML. It can be used to specify presentation characteristics of an element that are not specified by the element name and the @role attribute. For example, the @class attribute can be used to specify the presence or absence of the ending separator. Like the HTML @class attribute, multiple class values can be specified in a space separated list. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
style | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @style attribute is used to specify CSS attributes that override the default styles defined for an element or an element class. The current loose-leaf publication standards should be specified using an external style sheet and the use of the @style attribute should be reserved for exception cases where the default presentation must be overridden. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
styleType | [0..1] | uslm:StyleTypeEnum | The @styleType attribute is used to set the overall semantic type of the block. This has rendering implications. Only a small set of values is allowed. | Default value is "OLC". from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
note | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @note attribute should be the primary mechanism for recording simple text notes to be associated with elements. | from group uslm:AnnotationGroup |
alt | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @alt attribute should be used to provide an alternative description of the element. For use with WCAG 2.0 and other accessibility initiatives. | from group uslm:AnnotationGroup |
meta | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @meta attribute should be used to associate metadata information with the element for search and other uses. How this attribute is used is not prescribed by the schema. | from group uslm:AnnotationGroup |
misc | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @misc attribute is provided for future use. | from group uslm:AnnotationGroup |
draftingTip | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @draftingTip is for internal use. | from group uslm:AnnotationGroup |
codificationTip | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @codificationTip is for internal use by the OLRC. | from group uslm:AnnotationGroup |
title | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @title attribute is used to specify the text describing the element in a table of contents or index. It must be a simple text string and should consist of fewer than 40 or so characters - although this is not enforced. | from group uslm:DescriptionGroup |
brief | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @brief attribute is an alternate method for providing a longer description of an element, limited to 1024 characters. | from group uslm:DescriptionGroup |
sortOrder | [0..1] | xsd:integer | The @sortOrder attribute is used to specify a sorting order for a list of items, when that sort order is not the document sequence. The @sortOrder value must be specified as a positive integer. This attribute should rarely be used. | from group uslm:DescriptionGroup |
startPeriod | [0..1] | uslm:DateSimpleType | The @startPeriod attribute is the earliest date that a particular version applies to. The @startPeriod is not necessarily the effective date. It's merely the earliest date that the particular version of the text should be returned in point-in-time calculations. The @startPeriod works with the @endPeriod which defines that last date that a specific version applies to. Together, the @startPeriod and the @endPeriod define a period of time that the version applies to. This version may be in states such as pending, operational, partially commenced, suspended, or even repealed. If the @startPeriod is not specified, then all past time is assumed. | from group uslm:VersioningGroup |
endPeriod | [0..1] | uslm:DateSimpleType | The @endPeriod attribute is the last date that a specific version of the text should be returned in point-in-time calculations. If the @endPeriod is not specified, then all future time is assumed. | from group uslm:VersioningGroup |
status | [0..1] | uslm:StatusEnum | The @status attribute is used to show the status of a version of provision. This attribute works with the @startPeriod and the @endPeriod and applies to the period of time defined by these attributes. | from group uslm:VersioningGroup |
partial | [0..1] | xsd:boolean | The @partial attribute is used, in conjunction with the @status attribute to indicate that the status is not fully applied. | from group uslm:VersioningGroup |
inEffect | [0..1] | xsd:boolean | The @inEffect attribute is used to indicate whether the level or provision is currently in effect. The default value is 'true'. Note that the @status attribute also contains information about the state of a provision. If the value of the @status attribute is anything other than 'inEffect' the value of the @inEffect attribute should be 'false'. The net effect of contradictory values of these two attributes is not defined. | from group uslm:VersioningGroup |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: lax |
Used in
- Element uslm:amendment via derived anonymous type
- Element uslm:officialTitleAmendment via derived anonymous type
- Element uslm:foreign via derived anonymous type
- Element uslm:block via derived type uslm:BlockType
- Element uslm:fragment via derived type uslm:BlockType
- Element uslm:main via derived type uslm:MainType
- Element uslm:attestation via derived type uslm:AttestationType
- Element uslm:signatures via derived type uslm:SignaturesType
- Element uslm:toc via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:index via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:tableOfTitlesAndChapters via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:listOfAgencies via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:listOfSectionsAffected via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:listOfBillsEnacted via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:listOfPublicLaws via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:listOfPrivateLaws via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:listOfConcurrentResolutions via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:listOfProclamations via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:popularNameIndex via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:subjectIndex via derived type uslm:ToCIndexType
- Element uslm:lawDoc via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:bill via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:constitutionalAmendment via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:pLaw via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:statute via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:statuteCompilation via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:statutesAtLarge via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:resolution via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:uscDoc via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:frDoc via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:rule via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:notice via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:presidentialDoc via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:cfrDoc via derived type uslm:LawDocType
- Element uslm:engrossedAmendment via derived type uslm:AmendDocType
- Element uslm:document via derived type uslm:GenericDocType
- Element uslm:amendMeta via derived type uslm:AmendMetaType
- Element uslm:meta via derived type uslm:MetaType
- Element uslm:amendPreface via derived type uslm:AmendPrefaceType
- Element uslm:preface via derived type uslm:PrefaceType
- Element uslm:set via derived type uslm:SetType
- Element uslm:referenceItem via derived type uslm:ItemType
- Element uslm:headingItem via derived type uslm:ItemType
- Element uslm:groupItem via derived type uslm:ItemType
- Element uslm:amendMain via derived type uslm:AmendMainType
- Element uslm:preamble via derived type uslm:PreambleType
- Element uslm:rulePreamble via derived type uslm:RulePreambleType
- Element uslm:level via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:preliminary via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:title via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subtitle via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:part via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subpart via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:division via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subdivision via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:chapter via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subchapter via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:article via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subarticle via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:compiledAct via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:courtRules via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:courtRule via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:reorganizationPlans via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:reorganizationPlan via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:section via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subsection via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:paragraph via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subparagraph via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:clause via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subclause via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:item via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subitem via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:subsubitem via derived type uslm:LevelType
- Element uslm:amendmentInstruction via derived type uslm:AmendmentInstructionType
- Element uslm:appropriations via derived type uslm:AppropriationsType
- Element uslm:notes via derived type uslm:NotesType
- Element uslm:legislativeHistory via derived type uslm:NotesType
- Element uslm:appendix via derived type uslm:AppendixType
- Element uslm:schedule via derived type uslm:AppendixType
- Element uslm:backMatter via derived type uslm:BackMatterType
- Element uslm:endorsement via derived type uslm:EndorsementType
- Element uslm:collection via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:notices via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:rules via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:proposedRules via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:presidentialDocs via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:agencyGroup via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:publicLaws via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:privateLaws via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:concurrentResolutions via derived type uslm:CollectionType
- Element uslm:layout via derived type uslm:LayoutType
- Element uslm:header via derived type uslm:RowType
- Element uslm:row via derived type uslm:RowType
Type inheritance chain
- uslm:BaseBlockType
- extended by Type uslm:BlockType
- restricted by Type uslm:MainType
- restricted by Type uslm:AttestationType
- restricted by Type uslm:SignaturesType
- extended by Type uslm:ToCIndexType
- extended by Type uslm:LawDocType
- extended by Type uslm:AmendDocType
- extended by Anonymous type of element uslm:amendment
- extended by Type uslm:GenericDocType
- extended by Type uslm:AmendMetaType
- extended by Type uslm:MetaType
- extended by Type uslm:AmendPrefaceType
- extended by Type uslm:PrefaceType
- extended by Type uslm:SetType
- extended by Type uslm:ItemType
- extended by Type uslm:AmendMainType
- extended by Type uslm:PreambleType
- extended by Type uslm:RulePreambleType
- extended by Type uslm:LevelType
- extended by Type uslm:AmendmentInstructionType
- extended by Type uslm:AppropriationsType
- extended by Type uslm:NotesType
- extended by Type uslm:AppendixType
- extended by Type uslm:BackMatterType
- extended by Type uslm:EndorsementType
- extended by Type uslm:CollectionType
- extended by Anonymous type of element uslm:officialTitleAmendment
- extended by Type uslm:LayoutType
- extended by Type uslm:RowType
- extended by Anonymous type of element uslm:foreign
- extended by Type uslm:BlockType