Schema Central  >  USLM 2.1.0  >  uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd  >  uslm:DescriptionGroup
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            The description group is used to record information that will be 
            used to describe an element, primarily for use in a table of 
            contents or an index. The description group can be used for
            statements, the preamble, levels, and appendices including
            schedules. In addition, the description group is an integral
            part of a TOC item. All attributes are optional.

Attribute group information


Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd


title [0..1]uslm:MediumStringSimpleType The @title attribute is used to specify the text describing the element in a table of contents or index. It must be a simple text string and should consist of fewer than 40 or so characters - although this is not enforced.
brief [0..1]uslm:LongStringSimpleType The @brief attribute is an alternate method for providing a longer description of an element, limited to 1024 characters.
sortOrder [0..1]xsd:integer The @sortOrder attribute is used to specify a sorting order for a list of items, when that sort order is not the document sequence. The @sortOrder value must be specified as a positive integer. This attribute should rarely be used.

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