The versioning group is used to record dates and statuses of different versions of various elements. These attributes define the versioning model for USLM. In general, when an item is versioned, different versions of an element will exist alongside one another with different time periods and statuses defined.
Attribute group information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
startPeriod | [0..1] | uslm:DateSimpleType | The @startPeriod attribute is the earliest date that a particular version applies to. The @startPeriod is not necessarily the effective date. It's merely the earliest date that the particular version of the text should be returned in point-in-time calculations. The @startPeriod works with the @endPeriod which defines that last date that a specific version applies to. Together, the @startPeriod and the @endPeriod define a period of time that the version applies to. This version may be in states such as pending, operational, partially commenced, suspended, or even repealed. If the @startPeriod is not specified, then all past time is assumed. | |
endPeriod | [0..1] | uslm:DateSimpleType | The @endPeriod attribute is the last date that a specific version of the text should be returned in point-in-time calculations. If the @endPeriod is not specified, then all future time is assumed. | |
status | [0..1] | uslm:StatusEnum | The @status attribute is used to show the status of a version of provision. This attribute works with the @startPeriod and the @endPeriod and applies to the period of time defined by these attributes. | |
partial | [0..1] | xsd:boolean | The @partial attribute is used, in conjunction with the @status attribute to indicate that the status is not fully applied. | |
inEffect | [0..1] | xsd:boolean | The @inEffect attribute is used to indicate whether the level or provision is currently in effect. The default value is 'true'. Note that the @status attribute also contains information about the state of a provision. If the value of the @status attribute is anything other than 'inEffect' the value of the @inEffect attribute should be 'false'. The net effect of contradictory values of these two attributes is not defined. |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element uslm:amendment
- Anonymous type of element uslm:officialTitleAmendment
- Anonymous type of element uslm:foreign
- Anonymous type of element uslm:designator
- Anonymous type of element uslm:label
- Anonymous type of element uslm:target
- Anonymous type of element uslm:continuation
- Anonymous type of element uslm:committee
- Anonymous type of element uslm:amendmentNumber
- Anonymous type of element uslm:citableAs
- Anonymous type of element uslm:citableAsShortTitle
- Anonymous type of element uslm:containsShortTitle
- Anonymous type of element uslm:notation
- Type uslm:BaseType
- Type uslm:BaseBlockType
- Type uslm:BaseContentType
- Type uslm:MarkerType (Element uslm:marker)
- Type uslm:BrType (Element uslm:br)
- Type uslm:ImgType (Element uslm:img)
- Type uslm:MainType (Element uslm:main)
- Type uslm:AttestationType (Element uslm:attestation)
- Type uslm:SignaturesType (Element uslm:signatures)
- Type uslm:AmendDocType (Element uslm:engrossedAmendment)
- Type uslm:GenericDocType (Element uslm:document)
- Type uslm:AmendMetaType (Element uslm:amendMeta)
- Type uslm:MetaType (Element uslm:meta)
- Type uslm:AmendPrefaceType (Element uslm:amendPreface)
- Type uslm:PrefaceType (Element uslm:preface)
- Type uslm:SetType (Element uslm:set)
- Type uslm:AmendMainType (Element uslm:amendMain)
- Type uslm:PreambleType (Element uslm:preamble)
- Type uslm:RulePreambleType (Element uslm:rulePreamble)
- Type uslm:AmendmentInstructionType (Element uslm:amendmentInstruction)
- Type uslm:AppropriationsType (Element uslm:appropriations)
- Type uslm:BackMatterType (Element uslm:backMatter)
- Type uslm:EndorsementType (Element uslm:endorsement)
- Type uslm:LayoutType (Element uslm:layout)
- Type uslm:AmendingActionType (Element uslm:amendingAction)
- Type uslm:RefType (Element uslm:ref)
- Type uslm:DateType (Element uslm:date)
- Type uslm:ElidedType (Element uslm:elided)
- Type uslm:QuotedContentType (Element uslm:quotedContent)
- Type uslm:AmendmentContentType (Element uslm:amendmentContent)
- Type uslm:ComponentType (Element uslm:component)
- Type uslm:CoverTextType (Element uslm:coverText)
- Type uslm:ListType (Element uslm:list)
- Type uslm:ListItemType (Element uslm:listItem)
- Type uslm:BlockType (Elements uslm:block, uslm:fragment)
- Type uslm:NotesType (Elements uslm:notes, uslm:legislativeHistory)
- Type uslm:AppendixType (Elements uslm:appendix, uslm:schedule)
- Type uslm:RowType (Elements uslm:header, uslm:row)
- Type uslm:NumType (Elements uslm:num, uslm:referenceMarker)
- Type uslm:SimplePropertyType (Elements uslm:draftingOffice, uslm:draftingOffice)
- Type uslm:InlinePropertyType (Elements uslm:inlinePropertyElement, uslm:organization)
- Type uslm:StarPrintType (Elements uslm:starPrint, uslm:starPrint)
- Type uslm:ItemType (Elements uslm:referenceItem, uslm:headingItem, uslm:groupItem)
- Type uslm:ContentType (Elements uslm:content, uslm:text, uslm:chapeau)
- Type uslm:QuotedTextType (Elements uslm:quotedText, uslm:addedText, uslm:deletedText, uslm:del, uslm:ins)
- Type uslm:ToCIndexType (Elements uslm:toc, uslm:index, uslm:tableOfTitlesAndChapters, uslm:listOfAgencies, uslm:listOfSectionsAffected, uslm:listOfBillsEnacted, uslm:listOfPublicLaws ...more)
- Type uslm:LawDocType (Elements uslm:lawDoc, uslm:bill, uslm:constitutionalAmendment, uslm:pLaw, uslm:statute, uslm:statuteCompilation, uslm:statutesAtLarge ...more)
- Type uslm:LevelType (Elements uslm:level, uslm:preliminary, uslm:title, uslm:subtitle, uslm:part, uslm:subpart, uslm:division ...more)
- Type uslm:CollectionType (Elements uslm:collection, uslm:notices, uslm:rules, uslm:proposedRules, uslm:presidentialDocs, uslm:agencyGroup, uslm:publicLaws ...more)
- Type uslm:InlineType (Elements uslm:inline, uslm:figCaption, uslm:center, uslm:fillIn, uslm:checkBox, uslm:b, uslm:i ...more)
- Type uslm:NoteType (Elements uslm:signatureDate, uslm:note, uslm:sourceCredit, uslm:uscNote, uslm:statutoryNote, uslm:drafterNote, uslm:editorialNote ...more)
- Type uslm:PropertyType (Elements uslm:property, uslm:coverTitle, uslm:actionInstruction, uslm:approvedDate, uslm:congress, uslm:createdDate, uslm:currentChamber ...more)