The status enumeration is used to specify the state of a provision during the period of time defined by the @startPeriod and the @endPeriod attributes attached to the same element or hierarchically defined above. Typically, the status enumeration is applied to the <section> level or lower, but the model is general enough that it can be applied anywhere in the level hierarchy.
Simple type information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
- Type based on xsd:NMTOKEN
Valid value Description crossReference The content at this location contains reference(s) to other provision(s) of law. An example is in 26 USC 153. The 'in effect' status is defined by the referenced provision(s). hadItsEffect The provision is no longer in effect. This may occur because its time period expired, it was declared not-in-effect, or some other reason. inEffect The provision is currently in effect (the default). If the value of the @status attribute is 'inEffect' the value of the @inEffect attribute should be 'true', which is the default. The net effect of contradictory values of these two attributes is not defined. omitted A provision might be expected to be at this location, but the provision has been omitted. An example is in 10 USC 929a. pending The provision has been enacted, but has yet to become effective. renumbered The provision has been renumbered and is now found in a different location. The term "renumbered" is used in the US code and is more common across jurisdictions than the synonym "redesignated". An example is in 5 USC 1209. The provision is considered to not be in effect in the old location. The status of the provision is defined in the new location. repealed The provision has been repealed. An example is in 2 USC 46e. reserved This provision number is reserved for future use. An example is in 10 USC 3001. suspended The provision was in effect, but is temporarily suspended. There is a reference to a suspended provision in 2 USC 907a. transferred The provision was transferred to a different location. An example is in 2 USC 47. The provision is considered to not be in effect in the old location. The status of the provision is defined in the new location. unknown A "unknown" status indicates that the status is not known. vacant A provision might be expected to be at this location, but the location is vacant. An example is in 38 USC 1531.
Used in
- Attribute status
Type inheritance chain
- restricted by uslm:StatusEnum