Schema Central  >  USLM 2.1.0  >  uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd  >  temporalId
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               The @temporalId attribute is a name, scoped to the document,
               that is intended to reflect the current identify of the element 
               in a human-readable way. This means that the @temporalId may need 
               to be recomputed based on the temporal state of a document or 
               according to the temporal specification in a requesting URL.
               A @temporalId is intended to be scoped to the document as a whole
               while the @name is scoped to its immediate parent. The 
               @temporalId is built as an "_" separated hierarchy of @name
               or, in the absence of an @name, element names. However, in a 
               couple cases, the levels of the hierarchy are suppressed. First
               of all, the <main> level is suppressed when calculating any
               @temporalId contained within. Secondly, when dealing with 
               sections which are numbered as a sequence without regard to
               the upper levels, then the upper levels are suppressed from the
               computation of the @temporalId.
               Some examples:
                * "s2" - section 2 in the main part of the document
                * "schedule_s2" - section 2 in the schedule
                * "pt2_d1" - division 1 of part 2 in the main part of the 
               The @temporalId attribute is optional.

Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd

Type: uslm:MediumStringSimpleType

Properties: Local, Unqualified


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