A <recital> is a preliminary statement in a bill stating the reasons for the Bill. Modern legislation seldom uses a recital although it can still occur.
Element information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
- Choice [0..*]
- uslm:block The <block> element is a primitive element to be used anywhere where <block> elements are permitted including within <content> elements or anywhere where <block> elements have been explicitly permitted.
- uslm:signatures Some documents conclude with one or more signatures indicating sponsorship, attestation, or approval. These signatures are placed within this container.
- uslm:fragment A <fragment> element is used to contain an arbitrary fragment of a USLM document. It may be used to transport a portion of a document between subsystems, such as retrieving a section from a repository. Having a fragment wrapper would allow, for instance, two sibling elements to be transported, or allow an element to be moved with processing instructions around it.
- uslm:level A <level> is the general container for the main provisions of legislation, often organized as a hierarchy.
- uslm:preliminary A <preliminary> level is used to create a hierarchical region of the main document consisting of preliminary clauses that are outside of the main document hierarchy.
- uslm:title A <title> is the top hierarchical level of a legislative document. When naming a title, use the case-sensitive prefix "t".
- uslm:subtitle A <subtitle> is a hierarchical level of a legislative document. When naming a subtitle, use the case-sensitive prefix "st".
- uslm:part A <part> is a hierarchical level of a legislative document. When naming a part, use the case-sensitive prefix "pt".
- uslm:subpart A <subpart> is a hierarchical level of a legislative document. When naming a subpart, use the case-sensitive prefix "spt".
- uslm:division A <division> is a hierarchical level of a legislative document. When naming a Division, use the case-sensitive prefix "d".
- uslm:subdivision A <subdivision> is a hierarchical level of a legislative document. When naming a subdivision, use the case-sensitive prefix "sd".
- uslm:chapter A <chapter> is a hierarchical of a legislative document. When naming a chapter, use the case-sensitive prefix "ch".
- uslm:subchapter A <subchapter> is a hierarchical level of a legislative document. When naming a subchapter, use the case-sensitive prefix "sch".
- uslm:article An <article> is a used in bills. When naming an article, use the case-sensitive prefix "a".
- uslm:subarticle A <subarticle> is used in bills. When naming a subarticle, use the case-sensitive prefix "sa".
- uslm:compiledAct An <compiledAct> is used in title appendices. When naming a compiledAct, use the case-sensitive prefix "cact".
- uslm:courtRules <courtRules> is used in title appendices. courtRules is a containment level that is not named.
- uslm:courtRule A <courtRule> is used in appendices. When naming a courtRule, use the case-sensitive prefix "crule".
- uslm:reorganizationPlans <reorganizationPlans> are used in title appendices and the statutes at large. reorganizationPlans is a containment level that is not named.
- uslm:reorganizationPlan A <reorganizationPlan> is used in title appendices. When naming a reorganizationPlan, use the case-sensitive prefix "rplan".
- uslm:section A <section> is the primary hierarchical level in a USC Title, bill or other formally structured document. When naming a section, use the case-sensitive prefix "s".
- uslm:subsection A <subsection> is an optional hierarchical level below a section. Subsections are usually numbered with lower-case letters.
- uslm:paragraph A <paragraph> is a numbered level usually found below a subsection in the document hierarchy. Paragraphs are usually numbered with Arabic numbers.
- uslm:subparagraph A <subparagraph> is a level below a paragraph in the document hierarchy. Subparagraphs are usually numbered with upper-case letters.
- uslm:clause A <clause> is an optional below-section hierarchical level. Clauses are usually numbered with lower-case Roman numerals.
- uslm:subclause A <subclause> is an optional hierarchical level below a clause. Subclauses are usually numbered with upper-case Roman numerals.
- uslm:item An <item> is a level usually below a subclause in the document hierarchy. Items are usually numbered with double lower-case letters.
- uslm:subitem A <subitem> is a level below an item in the document hierarchy. Subitems are usually numbered with double upper-case letters.
- uslm:subsubitem A <subsubitem> is a level below a subitem in the document hierarchy. Subsubitems are usually numbered with triple lower-case letters.
- uslm:quotedText A <quotedText> element is used for an extraction of simple text from another source or origin. If the quoted text is to have literal quotes surrounding it, then those characters must be included in the text surrounding the quoted text. The <quotedText> element does not generate those characters. By convention such characters are placed around the quotedText tags, not within the tags. Quoted text is seen in bills that amend law. The <quotedText> element is not used for other cases where quote characters may appear, such as place names or titles.
- uslm:addedText A <addedText> element is used in amendment documents and reported bills to show the text that would be added to a bill in an amendment. It is not used for amendments in bills that amend law; use the <quotedText> element for that.
- uslm:deletedText A <deletedText> element is used in amendment documents and reported bills to show the text that would be deleted from a bill in an amendment. It is not used for amendments in bills that amend law; use the <quotedText> element for that.
- uslm:del A <del> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered as deleted text within a modification.
- uslm:ins An <ins> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered as inserted text within a modification.
- uslm:quotedContent A <quotedContent> element is used for an extraction of structured text (text with XML elements) from another source or origin or destined for another document. Quoted content is used in USC Notes and bills that amend law. If the quoted content is to have literal quote characters within it, then those characters must be included in the text. The <quotedContent> element does not generate those characters. By convention such characters are placed within the quotedContent tags at the first location where mixed content is allowed, not outside the tags.
- uslm:statement A <statement> is the general container for the official and document titles as well as for heading sections in FR rulePreambles.
- uslm:longTitle A <longTitle> is a statement that sets out the purposes of the bill in general terms. Typically, it includes a <docTitle> followed by an <officialTitle>. Display of the content is suppressed in the rendered document using the attribute @display set to "no".
- uslm:docTitle A <docTitle> is a statement, such as "An Act", that precedes the long title in legislation. The short title is typically declared in the first clause of a bill and is tagged in that location using the <shortTitle> tag.
- uslm:officialTitle A <officialTitle> is the portion of the long title after the <docTitle>.
- xhtml:table The HTML table element.
- uslm:marker The <marker> element is a primitive element to be used to mark or denote a spot in the text. It can be used in the <content> areas or anywhere else where an <inline> element is expected. The <marker> element contains no text.
- uslm:br A <br> is simple marker element denoting a line, page, or column break. The default is a line break; the @verticalSpace attribute can be used to denote a page or column break, or a vertical space of a defined height.
- uslm:img An <img> is a simple marker element denoting where a graphic image is to be inserted. Use the @src attribute to point to the image with a normal URL.
- uslm:inline The <inline> element is a primitive element to be used within <content> areas or within any other areas which can accept inline content.
- uslm:amendingAction An <amendingAction> is an atomic-level amendment instruction. The amending action contains the text related to that action and the type of amending action to be performed as well as optional attributes that old more information.
- uslm:ref A <ref> element is a reference or link to another document, a location within another document, or a location with the same document.
- uslm:date A <date> element is a wrapper around dates. A normalized value of the date text can be stored in the @date attribute or in the @startDate and @endDate attributes in the case of a date range.
- uslm:center A <center> element contains content text that is to be centered on the page.
- uslm:fillIn A <fillIn> is an inline spacer which denotes an area to be filled in a form designed to be printed. Usually, a <fillIn> is rendered as dotted lines with the text content within the <fillIn> tags shown just below. If parentheses are to surround the text shown below the line, then those parentheses should be included in the text content.
- uslm:checkBox A <checkBox> is an inline tick box which denotes a box to be filled in on an form.
- uslm:b A <b> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered in bold text.
- uslm:i An <i> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered in italic text.
- uslm:qualifier A <qualifier> element can be used to add a qualifier to a reference, such as the 'as amended by' language seen in amendments.
- uslm:sub A <sub> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered in subscript text.
- uslm:sup A <sup> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered in superscript text.
- uslm:headingText A <headingText> element is for text that bears some relationship to a <heading> element. It may be a reference to a heading, or an amendment to a heading, or a quoted heading. The @role attribute is used to indicate the role and thereby styling of the typeset text.
- uslm:span A <span> element is general purpose wrapper for text similar to an html span. The @role attribute can be used to specify the type of span.
- uslm:shortTitle The <shortTitle> element is used to surround the short title when it is first defined, usually in the first clause of the bill. Note that the <shortTitle> element is to be used in this case rather than the <docTitle> element.
- uslm:term A <term> is a word or phrase that is being defined. The <term> element surrounds the words for the term being defined. It is possible for multiple <term> elements to be specified within a definition. When a <term> is the words in an alternate language, then the xml:lang attribute must be used. <term> elements can also be used for synonyms or near-synonyms which are also specified within the definition. The containing element (such as a section) has a @role="definitions" to indicate that definitions are contained within it. The <term> element does not define rendering or add quote characters.
- uslm:entity An <entity> is a generic inline element to identify a text fragment introducing or referring to an ontological concept. This is modelled after the Akoma Ntoso <entity> element. The @role attribute can be used to distinguish the concept. For example, a NAICS code or SEC code would be <entity @role="NAICS"> or <entity @role="SEC">.
- uslm:footnote A <footnote> is a note that is to be rendered at the bottom of a page or column or table. It typically has a corresponding <ref idref="xxx"> element, where the @idref matches the @id of the <footnote>.
- uslm:sidenote A <sidenote> is a note that is to be rendered in the side margins of a page. It may have a corresponding <ref idref="xxx"> element, where the @idref matches the @id of the <sidenote>.
- uslm:endnote An <endnote> is a note that is to be rendered at the bottom logical unit of content. The logical unit can be specified in the @relativeTo attribute. It typically has a corresponding <ref idref="xxx"> element, where the @idref matches the @id of the <endnote>.
- uslm:ear An <ear> contains the text to be printed in the outside margin. It is used, for example, in the CFR.
- uslm:note A <note> is a generic element for a note associated with items in the document.
- uslm:elided An <elided> element is a replacement for text content that has been elided or omitted from this document. The optional ref attribute may point to the text that was elided. The <elided> element may only contain text content (typically asterisks, called 'stars').
- uslm:sourceCredit A <sourceCredit> is a note included to indicate the source of a provision. It usually will contain a reference to the source of the provision and the Statute(s) that have affected it. Source credits are usually set out in parenthesis. The surrounding parentheses are shown in the text - they are not automatically added.
- uslm:uscNote A <uscNote> is a note below sections and big-level headings in the U.S. Code.
- uslm:statutoryNote An <statutoryNote> is a note that becomes part of the law.
- uslm:drafterNote A <drafterNote> is a note that does not become part of the law. It is used by drafters for their own purposes (commenting out a section of drafted content, for example, or asking questions, or proposing alternative wording) and is generally deleted before the document is published to others.
- uslm:editorialNote An <editorialNote> is a note included for editorial purposes only. While present in the text of the document as printed, it is not a part of the law. Editorial notes are often used to record where provisions have been omitted or other changes have been made, or in a preface of the CFR.
- uslm:changeNote A <changeNote> is a note that records a non-substantive change that has been made to the US Code. Usually change notes are set out in square brackets and these must be set out in the text and must not be automatically added.
- uslm:authority An <authority> is a note included to indicate the authority behind a provision. In the CFR and statutes at large, the <authority> is the law which authorizes the regulation.
- uslm:source A <source> is a note included to indicate the source of a provision. In the CFR, the <source> is a citation to an entry in the Federal Register where the provision is sourced. <source> is similar to <sourceCredit> in the U.S. Code, but is specifically called "Source" in the CFR.
- uslm:effectiveDateNote An <effectiveDateNote> is a note to indicate the effectivity of a provision. In the CFR, the <effectiveDateNote> contains a heading, explanatory text, and sometimes the text of the provision that will become effective on that date. Some of this new text may be elided.
- uslm:frDocId An <frDocId> is a note identifying the Document ID of an entry in the Federal Register.
- uslm:billingCode A <billingCode> is a note containing the billing code of an item. It is used, for example, in the Federal Register.
- uslm:editionNote An <editionNote> is a note that describes the edition of the document. It is used, for example, in the preface of the CFR for the "Official Edition Notice".
- uslm:organizationNote An <organizationNote> is a note that identifies an organization associated with the document. It is used, for example, in the preface of the CFR and the statutes at large to identify the organization that publishes the document.
- uslm:citationNote A <citationNote> is a note that gives information about how to cite this document and/or about citations within the document. It is used, for example, in the preface of the CFR.
- uslm:explanationNote An <explanationNote> is a note that gives an explanation. It is used, for example. in the preface in the CFR and statutes at large to explain the document.
- uslm:findingAidsNote A <findingAids> element is one or more finding aids, typically found in the back matter of a publication. It is used, for example, in the back matter of the CFR.
- uslm:p A <p> is a simple paragraph. This is different from the more complex numbered <paragraph> element used for the formal paragraph level of legislative documents.
from subst. group uslm:blockfrom subst. group uslm:levelfrom subst. group uslm:quotedTextfrom subst. group uslm:statementfrom subst. group uslm:markerfrom subst. group uslm:inlinefrom subst. group uslm:footnotefrom subst. group uslm:notefrom subst. group uslm:page
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
role | [0..1] | uslm:ShortStringSimpleType | Use the @role attribute to provide further refinement to an element's type. This is particularly useful when defining a refinement of an element from the abstract set. Another possible use is to use the customary local name for an element whenever the element name is not a complete match. For example, if the customary name for an "explanation" is "summary", then the element can be expressed as <explanation role="summary">. There is a rough equivalence between an element of a base class with a @role attribute and a derived class in the schema, although this equivalence is not explicit. For example <level role="division"> is roughly equal to <division>. When transforming XML to HTML, the @role attribute should be appended to the element name using an "_" underscore and used as the first value in the HTML @class attribute. If desired, the proposed XHTML @role attribute can be computed as either the XML @role attribute or, in the absence of the XML @role attribute, the XML element name. For example: <level role="division"> => <div role="division" class="level_division"> <division> => <div role="division" class="division"> This approach is easily reversible. In a similar way to the @class attribute, multiple role values can be specified in a space separated list. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
class | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @class attribute corresponds to the @class attribute in HTML. It can be used to specify presentation characteristics of an element that are not specified by the element name and the @role attribute. For example, the @class attribute can be used to specify the presence or absence of the ending separator. Like the HTML @class attribute, multiple class values can be specified in a space separated list. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
style | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @style attribute is used to specify CSS attributes that override the default styles defined for an element or an element class. The current loose-leaf publication standards should be specified using an external style sheet and the use of the @style attribute should be reserved for exception cases where the default presentation must be overridden. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
styleType | [0..1] | uslm:StyleTypeEnum | The @styleType attribute is used to set the overall semantic type of the block. This has rendering implications. Only a small set of values is allowed. | Default value is "OLC". from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | The @id attribute should always be assigned an immutable (non-changing) value. If the item is subject to renaming or renumbering, then the @id attribute should not reflect any part of the changeable part. This is to allow the @id to be long lasting without causing confusion should the item be renamed or renumbered. The @id should be prefixed with "id" and followed by a GUID that is guaranteed to be globally unique across both time and space. As an "xsd:ID", the identity must be ensured to be unique in the document - and it is a good idea that it be guaranteed globally unique. As the @id is immutable, it is a good identity with which to associate external information to the item. If an item is deleted and later a similarly named item is created, then the new item should be assigned a newly generated identity as it is not the same item as the earlier item. The @id attribute is optional, but recommended for all elements which will contain any other identity attributes. | from group uslm:IdentificationGroup |
temporalId | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @temporalId attribute is a name, scoped to the document, that is intended to reflect the current identify of the element in a human-readable way. This means that the @temporalId may need to be recomputed based on the temporal state of a document or according to the temporal specification in a requesting URL. A @temporalId is intended to be scoped to the document as a whole while the @name is scoped to its immediate parent. The @temporalId is built as an "_" separated hierarchy of @name or, in the absence of an @name, element names. However, in a couple cases, the levels of the hierarchy are suppressed. First of all, the <main> level is suppressed when calculating any @temporalId contained within. Secondly, when dealing with sections which are numbered as a sequence without regard to the upper levels, then the upper levels are suppressed from the computation of the @temporalId. Some examples: * "s2" - section 2 in the main part of the document * "schedule_s2" - section 2 in the schedule * "pt2_d1" - division 1 of part 2 in the main part of the document The @temporalId attribute is optional. | from group uslm:IdentificationGroup |
identifier | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | Use the @identifier attribute to specify the URL context of the element. Typically, the @identifier will be established on the root element or on any element, such as a <quotedContent> element, that changes the context. The @identifier attribute is optional. | from group uslm:IdentificationGroup |
scope | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | Use the @scope attribute to specify the scope within which the @identifier attribute is valid. Typically, @scope is formatted as a URL, referring to a specific context. @scope is used for terms within in definitions to specify the scope of the definition. The @scope attribute is optional. | from group uslm:IdentificationGroup |
changed | [0..1] | uslm:ChangedEnum | The @changed attribute indicates if the component has been added, deleted, or is not changed. This is mostly used in Engrossed Amendments and Reported Bills. The @changed attribute is optional. | |
origin | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | The @origin attribute is used to refer to the origin of quoted text. The value must always be specified as a relative URL conforming to the reference specification. The @origin attribute is optional. |
Used in
- Group uslm:RecitalStructure
- Type uslm:PreambleType via reference to uslm:RecitalStructure (Element uslm:preamble)
Sample instance