The HTML table element.
Element information
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml
Schema document: uslm-table-module-2.1.0.xsd
Type: xhtml:xhtml.table.type
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- xhtml:caption [0..1]
- Choice [0..1]
- xhtml:col [0..*]
- xhtml:colgroup [0..*]
- Choice [1..1]
- Sequence [1..1]
- xhtml:thead [0..1]
- xhtml:tfoot [0..1]
- xhtml:tbody [1..*]
- xhtml:tr [1..*]
- Sequence [1..1]
from group xhtml:xhtml.table.content
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
role | [0..1] | uslm:ShortStringSimpleType | Use the @role attribute to provide further refinement to an element's type. This is particularly useful when defining a refinement of an element from the abstract set. Another possible use is to use the customary local name for an element whenever the element name is not a complete match. For example, if the customary name for an "explanation" is "summary", then the element can be expressed as <explanation role="summary">. There is a rough equivalence between an element of a base class with a @role attribute and a derived class in the schema, although this equivalence is not explicit. For example <level role="division"> is roughly equal to <division>. When transforming XML to HTML, the @role attribute should be appended to the element name using an "_" underscore and used as the first value in the HTML @class attribute. If desired, the proposed XHTML @role attribute can be computed as either the XML @role attribute or, in the absence of the XML @role attribute, the XML element name. For example: <level role="division"> => <div role="division" class="level_division"> <division> => <div role="division" class="division"> This approach is easily reversible. In a similar way to the @class attribute, multiple role values can be specified in a space separated list. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
class | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @class attribute corresponds to the @class attribute in HTML. It can be used to specify presentation characteristics of an element that are not specified by the element name and the @role attribute. For example, the @class attribute can be used to specify the presence or absence of the ending separator. Like the HTML @class attribute, multiple class values can be specified in a space separated list. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
style | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @style attribute is used to specify CSS attributes that override the default styles defined for an element or an element class. The current loose-leaf publication standards should be specified using an external style sheet and the use of the @style attribute should be reserved for exception cases where the default presentation must be overridden. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
styleType | [0..1] | uslm:StyleTypeEnum | The @styleType attribute is used to set the overall semantic type of the block. This has rendering implications. Only a small set of values is allowed. | Default value is "OLC". from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
summary | [0..1] | xh11d:Text | from group xhtml:xhtml.table.attlist | |
width | [0..1] | xh11d:Length | from group xhtml:xhtml.table.attlist | |
border | [0..1] | xh11d:Pixels | from group xhtml:xhtml.table.attlist | |
frame | [0..1] | Anonymous | from group xhtml:xhtml.frame.attrib | |
rules | [0..1] | Anonymous | from group xhtml:xhtml.rules.attrib | |
cellspacing | [0..1] | xh11d:Length | from group xhtml:xhtml.table.attlist | |
cellpadding | [0..1] | xh11d:Length | from group xhtml:xhtml.table.attlist | |
id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group uslm:HtmlTableGroup | |
identifier | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | Use the @identifier attribute to specify the URL context of the element. Typically, the @identifier will be established on the root element or on any element, such as a <quotedContent> element, that changes the context. The @identifier attribute is optional. | from group uslm:HtmlTableGroup |
orientation | [0..1] | uslm:OrientationEnum | The @orientation attribute is used to specify a "landscape" or "portrait" orientation for the published form. The default is "portrait". | Default value is "portrait". from group uslm:HtmlTableGroup |
type | [0..1] | uslm:ShortStringSimpleType | The @type attribute says what the purpose of the table is. | from group uslm:HtmlTableGroup |
blockStyle | [0..1] | uslm:YesOrNoEnum | The @blockStyle attribute sets block style for all text (reading) columns in the table, rather than the default flush and hang style. If the column is indented to indicate a hierarchy, the net effect is indentation and block, no hanging indent. | Default value is "no". from group uslm:HtmlTableGroup |
cols | [0..1] | Anonymous | Number of columns in the table. This must be an integer greater than zero and smaller than 31 (MicroComp can handle tables up to 30 columns). | from group uslm:HtmlTableGroup |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: lax |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element uslm:recital
- Group xhtml:xhtml.Flow.mix
- Type uslm:ColumnType (Element uslm:column)
- Type uslm:PType (Element uslm:p)
- Type uslm:ContentType (Elements uslm:content, uslm:text, uslm:chapeau)
- Type uslm:PositionedNoteType (Elements uslm:footnote, uslm:sidenote, uslm:endnote, uslm:ear)
- Anonymous type of element uslm:continuation via extension of uslm:ContentType
- Group xhtml:xhtml.td.content via reference to xhtml:xhtml.Flow.mix
- Group xhtml:xhtml.th.content via reference to xhtml:xhtml.Flow.mix
- Type uslm:QuotedContentType via extension of uslm:ContentType (Element uslm:quotedContent)
- Type uslm:AmendmentContentType via extension of uslm:ContentType (Element uslm:amendmentContent)
- Type uslm:ComponentType via extension of uslm:ContentType (Element uslm:component)
- Type uslm:NoteType via extension of uslm:ContentType (Elements uslm:signatureDate, uslm:note, uslm:sourceCredit, uslm:uscNote, uslm:statutoryNote, uslm:drafterNote, uslm:editorialNote ...more)
- Type xhtml:xhtml.td.type via reference to xhtml:xhtml.Flow.mix (Element xhtml:td)
- Type xhtml:xhtml.th.type via reference to xhtml:xhtml.Flow.mix (Element xhtml:th)
Sample instance
<xhtml:tableNamespace: ##other, Process Contents: lax/>