Schema Central  >  USLM 2.1.0  >  uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd  >  uslm:HtmlTableGroup
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            The table group is used to add attributes to the HTML table model. 

Attribute group information


Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd


id [0..1]xsd:ID
identifier [0..1]uslm:LongStringSimpleType Use the @identifier attribute to specify the URL context of the element. Typically, the @identifier will be established on the root element or on any element, such as a <quotedContent> element, that changes the context. The @identifier attribute is optional.
orientation [0..1]uslm:OrientationEnum The @orientation attribute is used to specify a "landscape" or "portrait" orientation for the published form. The default is "portrait". Default value is "portrait".
type [0..1]uslm:ShortStringSimpleType The @type attribute says what the purpose of the table is.
blockStyle [0..1]uslm:YesOrNoEnum The @blockStyle attribute sets block style for all text (reading) columns in the table, rather than the default flush and hang style. If the column is indented to indicate a hierarchy, the net effect is indentation and block, no hanging indent. Default value is "no".
cols [0..1]Anonymous Number of columns in the table. This must be an integer greater than zero and smaller than 31 (MicroComp can handle tables up to 30 columns).

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