This is a schema for XSLT 2.0 stylesheets.
It defines all the elements that appear in the XSLT namespace; it also
provides hooks that allow the inclusion of user-defined literal result elements,
extension instructions, and top-level data elements.
The schema is derived (with kind permission) from a schema for XSLT 1.0 stylesheets
produced by Asir S Vedamuthu of WebMethods Inc.
This schema is available for use under the conditions of the W3C Software License
published at
The schema is organized as follows:
PART A: definitions of complex types and model groups used as the basis
for element definitions
PART B: definitions of individual XSLT elements
PART C: definitions for literal result elements
PART D: definitions of simple types used in attribute definitions
This schema does not attempt to define all the constraints that apply to a valid
XSLT 2.0 stylesheet module. It is the intention that all valid stylesheet modules
should conform to this schema; however, the schema is non-normative and in the event
of any conflict, the text of the Recommendation takes precedence.
This schema does not implement the special rules that apply when a stylesheet
has sections that use forwards-compatible-mode. In this mode, setting version="3.0"
allows elements from the XSLT namespace to be used that are not defined in XSLT 2.0.
Simplified stylesheets (those with a literal result element as the outermost element)
will validate against this schema only if validation starts in lax mode.
This version is dated 2007-03-16
Authors: Michael H Kay, Saxonica Limited
Jeni Tennison, Jeni Tennison Consulting Ltd.
2007-03-15: added xsl:document element
revised xsl:sequence element
PART A: definitions of complex types and model groups used as the basis
for element definitions
Schema document information
File path: schema-for-xslt20.xsd
- Element Form Default: qualified