Element information
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform
Schema document: schema-for-xslt20.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
- Sequence [1..1]
- xsl:param [0..*]
- Choice [0..*]
- xsl:variable
- xsl:analyze-string
- xsl:apply-imports
- xsl:apply-templates
- xsl:attribute
- xsl:call-template
- xsl:choose
- xsl:comment
- xsl:copy
- xsl:copy-of
- xsl:document
- xsl:element
- xsl:fallback
- xsl:for-each
- xsl:for-each-group
- xsl:if
- xsl:message
- xsl:namespace
- xsl:next-match
- xsl:number
- xsl:perform-sort
- xsl:processing-instruction
- xsl:result-document
- xsl:sequence
- xsl:text
- xsl:value-of
- xsl:literal-result-elementAbstract [1..1]
- Any element Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: lax
- Any element Namespace: ##local, Process Contents: lax
from subst. group xsl:instructionfrom group xsl:result-elementsfrom subst. group xsl:literal-result-element
from group xsl:sequence-constructor-group
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
default-collation | [0..1] | xsl:uri-list | from type xsl:generic-element-type | |
exclude-result-prefixes | [0..1] | xsl:prefix-list-or-all | from type xsl:generic-element-type | |
extension-element-prefixes | [0..1] | xsl:prefix-list | from type xsl:generic-element-type | |
use-when | [0..1] | xsl:expression | from type xsl:generic-element-type | |
xpath-default-namespace | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from type xsl:generic-element-type | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: lax | from type xsl:generic-element-type | |
version | [0..1] | xsd:decimal | from type xsl:versioned-element-type | |
name | [1..1] | xsl:QName | ||
override | [0..1] | xsl:yes-or-no | Default value is "yes". | |
as | [0..1] | xsl:sequence-type | Default value is "item()*". |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element xsl:stylesheet
- Anonymous type of element xsl:transform