A QName. This schema does not use the built-in type xs:QName, but rather defines its own QName type. Although xs:QName would define the correct validation on these attributes, a schema processor would expand unprefixed QNames incorrectly when constructing the PSVI, because (as defined in XML Schema errata) an unprefixed xs:QName is assumed to be in the default namespace, which is not the correct assumption for XSLT. The data type is defined as a restriction of the built-in type Name, restricted so that it can only contain one colon which must not be the first or last character.
Simple type information
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform
Schema document: schema-for-xslt20.xsd
- Type based on xsd:Name
- Pattern: ([^:]+:)?[^:]+
Used in
- Attribute type
- Attribute name
- Attribute xsl:type
- Attribute mode via derived type xsl:mode
- Attribute use-attribute-sets via derived type xsl:QNames
- Attribute use-character-maps via derived type xsl:QNames
- Attribute cdata-section-elements via derived type xsl:QNames
- Attribute xsl:use-attribute-sets via derived type xsl:QNames
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:Name
- restricted by xsl:QName
- restricted by Anonymous type within union typexsl:method
- used as member of union type Type xsl:mode
- used as member of union type Anonymous type within union typexsl:modes
- used as member of union type Anonymous type within list typexsl:nametests
- used as item of list type Type xsl:QNames
- restricted by xsl:QName