Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > Sync
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The Sync verb is used when the owner of the data is passing or publishing that information or change in information to other software components.  This is to be used when the receiver of the SyncBOD does not own the data.  This verb is commonly used when mass changes are necessary or when a publish and subscribe mechanism is used in the integration architecture.The purposes of this verb include application integrity and ease of data entry for the business user by enabling a single point of input.  

Element information

Type: SyncType

Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-0b5970f410a64bea9a9f0547c84c51c9



recordSetStartNumber [0..1]PositiveIntegerNumberTypefrom type ActionVerbType
recordSetCountNumber [0..1]PositiveIntegerNumberTypefrom type ActionVerbType
recordSetTotalNumber [0..1]PositiveIntegerNumberTypefrom type ActionVerbType
recordSetCompleteIndicator [0..1]IndicatorTypefrom type ActionVerbType
recordSetReferenceID [0..1]IDType_B3F14Efrom type ActionVerbType

Used in

Sample instance

      <ActionExpression actionCode="token">token</ActionExpression>

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