Schema Central > OOXML > pml-slide.xsd > p:spPr
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Shape Properties

Element information

Type: a:CT_ShapeProperties

Properties: Local, Qualified



bwMode [0..1]a:ST_BlackWhiteModeBlack and White Mode

Used in

Sample instance

      <a:off x="1" y="1"/>
      <a:ext cx="1" cy="1"/>
         <a:gd name="token" fmla="string"/>
         <a:gd name="token" fmla="string"/>
         <a:cxn ang="">...
      <a:rect l="" t="" r="" b=""/>
            <!--any element-->
      <a:fillOverlay blend="over">
         <a:scrgbClr r="1" g="1" b="1">...
         <a:scrgbClr r="1" g="1" b="1">...
         <a:scrgbClr r="1" g="1" b="1">...
      <a:prstShdw prst="shdw1">
         <a:scrgbClr r="1" g="1" b="1">...
      <a:softEdge rad="0"/>
      <a:camera prst="legacyObliqueTopLeft">
         <a:rot lat="1" lon="1" rev="1"/>
      <a:lightRig rig="legacyFlat1" dir="tl">
         <a:rot lat="1" lon="1" rev="1"/>
         <a:anchor x="1" y="1" z="1"/>
         <a:norm dx="1" dy="1" dz="1"/>
         <a:up dx="1" dy="1" dz="1"/>
            <!--any element-->
         <a:scrgbClr r="1" g="1" b="1">...
         <a:scrgbClr r="1" g="1" b="1">...
            <!--any element-->
         <!--any element-->

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