Effect Container
Element information
Namespace: http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main
Schema document: dml-shapeEffects.xsd
Type: a:CT_EffectContainer
Properties: Local, Qualified
- Choice [0..*]
- a:cont Effect Container
- a:effect Effect
- a:alphaBiLevel Alpha Bi-Level Effect
- a:alphaCeiling Alpha Ceiling Effect
- a:alphaFloor Alpha Floor Effect
- a:alphaInv Alpha Inverse Effect
- a:alphaMod Alpha Modulate Effect
- a:alphaModFix Alpha Modulate Fixed Effect
- a:alphaOutset Alpha Inset/Outset Effect
- a:alphaRepl Alpha Replace Effect
- a:biLevel Bi-Level (Black/White) Effect
- a:blend Blend Effect
- a:blur Blur Effect
- a:clrChange Color Change Effect
- a:clrRepl Solid Color Replacement
- a:duotone Duotone Effect
- a:fill Fill
- a:fillOverlay Fill Overlay Effect
- a:glow Glow Effect
- a:grayscl Gray Scale Effect
- a:hsl Hue Saturation Luminance Effect
- a:innerShdw Inner Shadow Effect
- a:lum Luminance
- a:outerShdw Outer Shadow Effect
- a:prstShdw Preset Shadow
- a:reflection Reflection Effect
- a:relOff Relative Offset Effect
- a:softEdge Soft Edge Effect
- a:tint Tint Effect
- a:xfrm Transform Effect
from group a:EG_Effect
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
type | [0..1] | a:ST_EffectContainerType | Effect Container Type | Default value is "sib". |
name | [0..1] | xsd:token | Name |
Used in
- Group a:EG_EffectProperties
- Type a:CT_BackgroundFormatting via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Element draw-diag:bg)
- Type a:CT_EffectProperties via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Element a:effect)
- Type a:CT_EffectStyleItem via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Element a:effectStyle)
- Type a:CT_TableProperties via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Element a:tblPr)
- Type a:CT_WholeE2oFormatting via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Element draw-diag:whole)
- Type p:CT_BackgroundProperties via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Element p:bgPr)
- Type a:CT_GroupShapeProperties via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Elements cdr:grpSpPr, a:grpSpPr, draw-ssdraw:grpSpPr, p:grpSpPr)
- Type a:CT_TextCharacterProperties via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Elements a:endParaRPr, a:rPr, a:defRPr, a:rPr)
- Type a:CT_ShapeProperties via reference to a:EG_EffectProperties (Elements draw-chart:spPr, cdr:spPr, draw-diag:spPr, a:spPr, a:spPr, draw-pic:spPr, draw-ssdraw:spPr, p:spPr)
Sample instance
<a:effectDag> <a:cont> <a:cont> <a:cont>... </a:cont> </a:cont> </a:cont> </a:effectDag>