No Fill
Element information
Namespace: http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main
Schema document: dml-shapeEffects.xsd
Type: a:CT_NoFillProperties
Properties: Local, Qualified
- Empty content
Used in
- Group a:EG_FillProperties
- Group a:EG_LineFillProperties
- Type a:CT_BackgroundFillStyleList via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element a:bgFillStyleLst)
- Type a:CT_BackgroundFormatting via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element draw-diag:bg)
- Type a:CT_FillEffect via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element a:fill)
- Type a:CT_FillOverlayEffect via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element a:fillOverlay)
- Type a:CT_FillProperties via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element a:fill)
- Type a:CT_FillStyleList via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element a:fillStyleLst)
- Type a:CT_TableCellProperties via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element a:tcPr)
- Type a:CT_TableProperties via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element a:tblPr)
- Type a:CT_TextUnderlineFillGroupWrapper via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element a:uFill)
- Type p:CT_BackgroundProperties via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Element p:bgPr)
- Type a:CT_GroupShapeProperties via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Elements cdr:grpSpPr, a:grpSpPr, draw-ssdraw:grpSpPr, p:grpSpPr)
- Type a:CT_TextCharacterProperties via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Elements a:endParaRPr, a:rPr, a:defRPr, a:rPr)
- Type a:CT_ShapeProperties via reference to a:EG_FillProperties (Elements draw-chart:spPr, cdr:spPr, draw-diag:spPr, a:spPr, a:spPr, draw-pic:spPr, draw-ssdraw:spPr, p:spPr)
- Type a:CT_LineProperties via reference to a:EG_LineFillProperties (Elements a:ln, a:ln, a:lnL, a:lnR, a:lnT, a:lnB, a:lnTlToBr, a:lnBlToTr, a:uLn, a:ln)
Sample instance