A data type for an article or thing.
Complex type information
Schema document: niem-core/3.0/niem-core.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- nc:ItemName [0..*]A name of an item.
- nc:ItemActionText [0..*]An action that was taken against a property item.
- nc:ItemBarCodeIdentification [0..*]A bar code identification assigned to a property item.
- nc:ItemConditionText [0..*]A state or appearance of an item.
- nc:ItemDealerIdentification [0..*]An identification assigned to an item by a dealer.
- nc:ItemDescriptionText [0..*]A description of an item.
- nc:ItemDisposition [0..*]A result or outcome that happens to an item after it has been handled or processed.
- nc:ItemOtherIdentification [0..*]An identification assigned to an item.
- nc:ItemOwner [0..*]An entity which owns a property item.
- nc:ItemOwnerAppliedID [0..*]An identifier applied to an item by the owner.
- nc:ItemOwnerPurchasedValue [0..*]An amount of money a current owner paid to purchase a property item.
- nc:ItemPossessionDescriptionText [0..*]A description of how or why a party other than the owner came to possess a property item.
- nc:ItemPossessor [0..*]An entity other than the owner which has possession of an item.
- nc:ItemReceiptIdentification [0..*]An identification issued to an item when taken into possession for official purposes.
- nc:ItemRFIdentification [0..*]An identification of an item based on radio waves.
- nc:ItemSerialIdentification [0..*]An identification inscribed on or attached to a part, collection of parts, or complete unit by the manufacturer.
- nc:ItemStateIdentification [0..*]A state-assigned identification for an item.
- nc:ItemStatus [0..*]A status of an item.
- nc:ItemUsageText [0..*]A manner or way in which an item is used.
- nc:ItemValue [0..*]An evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
- nc:ItemVisibleID [0..*]An identifier of an item that is visible on the item itself.
- nc:WeaponIndicator [0..*]True if an item is traditionally considered to be a weapon; false otherwise.
- nc:WeaponUsageIndicator [0..*]True if an item not traditionally considered to be a weapon is used as such; false otherwise.
- nc:ConveyanceSalesTaxPercent [0..*]A tax rate as a percentage used for computing the sales tax on the purchase of a conveyance.
- nc:ItemAgeMeasure [0..*]An age of an item.
- nc:ItemBinary [0..*]A binary representation of an item.
- nc:ItemBrandName [0..*]A distinctive name that identifies a manufacturer of a property item.
- Choice [0..*]
- j:ArtObjectCategoryCodeA kind of art object.
- j:AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCodeA kind of audio visual recording.
- j:BicycleCategoryCodeA kind of bicycle.
- j:ClothingCategoryCodeA kind of clothing.
- j:ComputerHardwareSoftwareCategoryCodeA kind of computer hardware and software.
- j:ConstructionMaterialCategoryCodeA kind of construction material.
- j:ConsumableGoodsCategoryCodeA kind of consumable good.
- j:CreditBankIDCardCategoryCodeA kind of credit/bank/ID card.
- j:DrillingEquipmentCategoryCodeA kind of tool.
- j:EntertainmentDeviceCategoryCodeA kind of radio, TV, camera, sound or entertainment device.
- j:GamblingEquipmentCategoryCodeA kind of game and/or gambling apparatus.
- j:GrainCategoryCodeA kind of grain.
- j:HouseholdFurnishingsCategoryCodeA kind of household goods.
- j:HousewaresCategoryCodeA kind of household goods.
- j:ItemCategoryNCICTYPACodeA kind of property.
- j:ItemCategoryNCICTYPCodeA kind of property.
- j:ItemCategoryNIBRSCodeA kind of property.
- j:ItemCategoryNIBRSPropertyCategoryCodeA kind of property.
- j:ItemPropertyCategoryFBICodeA kind of property item.
- j:KeepsakeCategoryCodeA kind of item collected as a hobby or given in friendship.
- j:KnifeCategoryCodeA kind of knife.
- j:LivestockCategoryCodeA kind of livestock/pet.
- j:MusicalInstrumentCategoryCodeA kind of musical instrument.
- j:OfficeEquipmentCategoryCodeA kind of office equipment.
- j:OpticalEquipmentCategoryCodeA kind of optical equipment.
- j:PhotoEquipmentCategoryCodeA kind of camera or imaging device.
- j:ServiceUtilityCategoryCodeA kind of public utility service.
- j:SportsEquipmentCategoryCodeA kind of sports/recreational equipment.
- j:ToolDeviceCategoryCodeA kind of tool.
- nc:ConveyanceCategoryCodeA kind of conveyance.
- nc:ElectronicEquipmentCategoryCodeA kind of electronic equipment.
- nc:ElectronicInstrumentCategoryCodeA kind of electronic instrument.
- nc:ItemCategoryTextA kind of property item.
- nc:MachineryCategoryCodeA kind of machinery.
from subst. group nc:ItemCategory - Choice [0..*]
- j:ConveyanceColorPrimaryCodeA single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.
- j:ConveyanceColorSecondaryCodeA lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone vehicle or a lesser color of a multi-colored vehicle.
- j:VesselColorPrimaryCodeA color of the majority of a vessel.
- j:VesselColorSecondaryCodeA minor color of a vessel.
- nc:ConveyanceColorPrimaryTextA single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a conveyance.
- nc:ConveyanceColorSecondaryTextA lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone conveyance or a lesser color of a multi-colored conveyance.
- nc:ItemColorDescriptionTextA description of the overall color of an item.
from subst. group nc:ItemColor - nc:ItemCurrentResaleValue [0..*]An amount of money for which an item could currently be sold.
- nc:ItemFirstSoldYearDate [0..*]A calendar year in which an item was first sold.
- nc:ItemHeightMeasure [0..*]A measurement of the height of an item.
- nc:ItemImage [0..*]A binary representation of an image of an item.
- nc:ItemLeaseIndicator [0..*]True if an item is leased; false otherwise.
- nc:ItemLengthMeasure [0..*]A measurement of the length of an item.
- nc:ItemMakeName [0..*]A name of the manufacturer that produced an item.
- nc:ItemModelName [0..*]A name of a specific design or kind of item made by a manufacturer.
- nc:ItemModelYearDate [0..*]A year in which an item was manufactured or produced.
- nc:ItemOwnershipCategoryText [0..*]A kind of ownership of an item.
- nc:ItemQuantity [0..*]A count of the individual units which make up an item.
- nc:ItemRentalIndicator [0..*]True if an item is rented; false otherwise.
- nc:ItemSizeDescriptionText [0..*]A description of the size or physical dimensions of an item.
- Choice [0..*]
- j:VehicleStyleCodeA style of a vehicle.
- nc:ItemStyleTextA style of a property item.
from subst. group nc:ItemStyle - nc:ItemWeightMeasure [0..*]A measurement of the weight of an item.
- nc:ItemWidthMeasure [0..*]A measurement of the width of an item.
- j:ItemAugmentation [0..*]Additional information about an item.
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPointfrom subst. group nc:ItemAugmentationPoint
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used by
- Element j:ArrestInvolvedItem
- Element j:BookingDepositedItem
- Element j:BookingRetainedItem
- Element j:BookingSeizedItem
- Element j:CourtOrderDesignatedItem
- Element j:CustodyTransferItem
- Element j:EvidenceKit
- Element j:ForceToolItem
- Element j:ForceWeaponItem
- Element j:IncidentDamagedItem
- Element j:IncidentInvolvedItem
- Element j:IncidentRecoveredItem
- Element j:IncidentSeizedItem
- Element j:IncidentStolenItem
- Element j:ItemSeizureItem
- Element j:RegistrationItem
- Element j:TargetItem
- Element j:TitleItem
- Element j:VictimAffectedItem
- Element m:VesselDeckEquipment
- Element m:VesselElectronicEquipment
- Element nc:Container
- Element nc:ConveyedItem
- Element nc:ElectronicEquipment
- Element nc:ElectronicInstrument
- Element nc:FacilityContainsItem
- Element nc:InsuranceCoveredItem
- Element nc:Item
- Element nc:Kit
- Element nc:Machinery
- Element nc:ReferralItem
- Element nc:ReleaseItem
- Element nc:RoleOfItem
- Element cyfs:Medication via derived type nc:DrugType
- Element it:Commodity via derived type it:CommodityType
- Element it:CommodityInfo via derived type it:CommodityType
- Element it:ConsignmentItem via derived type it:ConsignmentItemType
- Element it:ConsignmentItemPackaging via derived type it:PackageType
- Element it:ConsignmentPackaging via derived type it:PackageType
- Element it:CustomsGoodsItem via derived type it:CustomsGoodsItemType
- Element it:Equipment via derived type it:EquipmentType
- Element it:GoodsItemMaterialText via derived type it:GoodsItemType
- Element it:GoodsItemPackagingText via derived type it:PackageType
- Element it:HazardousMaterialData via derived type it:HazardousMaterialDataType
- Element it:LineCommodity via derived type it:CommodityType
- Element it:MaterialHandlingEquipment via derived type it:MaterialHandlingEquipmentType
- Element it:Package via derived type it:PackageType
- Element it:ShippingContainer via derived type it:ShippingContainerType
- Element it:ShippingContainerCargoItem via derived type it:ConsignmentItemType
- Element it:TransportEquipment via derived type it:TransportEquipmentType
- Element j:CommercialVehicle via derived type j:CommercialVehicleType
- Element j:ConveyancePart via derived type j:ConveyancePartType
- Element j:Engine via derived type j:EngineType
- Element j:Explosive via derived type j:ExplosiveType
- Element j:Firearm via derived type j:FirearmType
- Element j:ForensicSpecimen via derived type j:ForensicSpecimenType
- Element j:Jewelry via derived type j:JewelryType
- Element j:JewelryMainPendant via derived type j:JewelryStoneType
- Element j:JewelryStone via derived type j:JewelryStoneType
- Element j:Metal via derived type nc:SubstanceType
- Element j:NonmotoristStrikingVehicle via derived type nc:VehicleType
- Element j:PreciousMetal via derived type nc:SubstanceType
- Element j:Publication via derived type j:PublicationType
- Element j:Structure via derived type j:StructureType
- Element j:Watch via derived type j:WatchType
- Element m:CDCCargo via derived type m:CargoType
- Element m:Cargo via derived type m:CargoType
- Element m:CargoItem via derived type m:CargoItemType
- Element m:ConveyanceOnBoard via derived type nc:ConveyanceType
- Element nc:Aircraft via derived type nc:AircraftType
- Element nc:Chemical via derived type nc:SubstanceType
- Element nc:Computer via derived type nc:DeviceType
- Element nc:Conveyance via derived type nc:ConveyanceType
- Element nc:Drug via derived type nc:DrugType
- Element nc:HazardousMaterial via derived type nc:SubstanceType
- Element nc:IntangibleItem via derived type nc:IntangibleItemType
- Element nc:IntellectualProperty via derived type nc:IntellectualPropertyType
- Element nc:RealEstate via derived type nc:RealEstateType
- Element nc:SIMCard via derived type nc:DeviceType
- Element nc:Securities via derived type nc:SecuritiesType
- Element nc:Substance via derived type nc:SubstanceType
- Element nc:TelecommunicationDevice via derived type nc:DeviceType
- Element nc:Vehicle via derived type nc:VehicleType
- Element nc:Vessel via derived type nc:VesselType
- Element nc:VesselTrailer via derived type nc:VehicleType
Type inheritance chain
- structures:ObjectType
- nc:ItemType
- extended by it:CommodityType
- extended by it:ConsignmentItemType
- extended by it:EquipmentType
- extended by it:TransportEquipmentType
- extended by it:MaterialHandlingEquipmentType
- extended by it:ShippingContainerType
- extended by it:TransportEquipmentType
- extended by it:GoodsItemType
- extended by it:CustomsGoodsItemType
- extended by it:PackageType
- extended by j:ConveyancePartType
- extended by j:EngineType
- extended by j:ExplosiveType
- extended by j:FirearmType
- extended by j:JewelryStoneType
- extended by j:JewelryType
- extended by j:WatchType
- extended by j:PublicationType
- extended by j:StructureType
- extended by m:CargoType
- extended by m:CargoItemType
- extended by nc:ConveyanceType
- extended by nc:AircraftType
- extended by nc:VehicleType
- extended by j:CommercialVehicleType
- extended by nc:VesselType
- extended by nc:DeviceType
- extended by nc:IntangibleItemType
- extended by nc:IntellectualPropertyType
- extended by nc:RealEstateType
- extended by nc:SecuritiesType
- extended by nc:SubstanceType
- extended by it:HazardousMaterialDataType
- extended by j:ForensicSpecimenType
- extended by nc:DrugType
- nc:ItemType