A kind of electronic instrument.
Element information
Schema document: niem-core/3.0/niem-core.xsd
Type: commodity:ElectronicInstrumentCategoryCodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
Valid value Description 38000 Precision Instruments and Apparatus 38100 Optical elements, instruments, and apparatus 38101 Eyewear (includes contact lenses and other lenses, goggles, and frames) 38109 Other optical elements, instruments, and apparatus, not elsewhere classified (excludes photographic, cinematographic, and photocopying equipment, see 38210 or 38220) 38200 Photographic and photocopying machines 38210 Photographic (includes cinematographic cameras, image projectors, enlargers, reducers, and projection screens; negatoscopes, and apparatus and equipment for film developing) (excludes video, and digital cameras, see 35400) . . . . . 38220 Photocopying and thermo-copying machines . . . 38300 Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, geophysical, drawing, or length- measuring instruments and appliances, and navigational and meteorological instruments and appliances (excludes radar and other radio-type apparatus) 38310 Navigational instruments and appliances (excludes radar and radio navigational-aid apparatus, see 35700) . 38320 Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological, geophysical, drawing, mathematical calculating and length measuring hand instruments and appliances (excludes radar apparatus, see 35700). 38400 Instruments and apparatus for medical, dental, veterinary, or similar purposes 38410 Apparatus based on the use of X-rays oralpha, beta, or gamma radiation 38420 Electro-medical equipment (excludes pacemakers, see 38491) 38491 Orthopedic appliances; fracture appliances; artificial body parts; and appliances that are worn, carried, or implanted in the body to compensate for a medical condition 38492 Surgical and medical instruments and apparatus 38499 Other instruments, apparatus, and appliances for medical, surgical, dental, or veterinary sciences, or for similar purposes, not elsewhere classified (excludes furniture, see 39021; wheelchairs, see 40999; and wadding, bandages, etc., see 21000) 38500 Instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking, testing, or controlling 38510 Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities 38520 Industrial process control instruments 38591 Instruments and appliances for testing mechanical properties of materials 38592 Instruments and appliances for measuring or detecting ionizing radiations 38593 Gas or liquid supply or production meters 38599 Other instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking, testing, or controlling, not elsewhere classified
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Type it:CommodityType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:Commodity, it:CommodityInfo, it:LineCommodity)
- Type it:ConsignmentItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:ConsignmentItem, it:ShippingContainerCargoItem)
- Type it:CustomsGoodsItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:CustomsGoodsItem)
- Type it:EquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:Equipment)
- Type it:GoodsItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:GoodsItemMaterialText)
- Type it:HazardousMaterialDataType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:HazardousMaterialData)
- Type it:MaterialHandlingEquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:MaterialHandlingEquipment)
- Type it:PackageType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:ConsignmentItemPackaging, it:ConsignmentPackaging, it:GoodsItemPackagingText, it:Package)
- Type it:ShippingContainerType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:ShippingContainer)
- Type it:TransportEquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:TransportEquipment)
- Type j:CommercialVehicleType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:CommercialVehicle)
- Type j:ConveyancePartType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:ConveyancePart)
- Type j:EngineType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Engine)
- Type j:ExplosiveType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Explosive)
- Type j:FirearmType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Firearm)
- Type j:ForensicSpecimenType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:ForensicSpecimen)
- Type j:JewelryStoneType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:JewelryMainPendant, j:JewelryStone)
- Type j:JewelryType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Jewelry)
- Type j:PublicationType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Publication)
- Type j:StructureType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Structure)
- Type j:WatchType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Watch)
- Type m:CargoItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element m:CargoItem)
- Type m:CargoType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements m:CDCCargo, m:Cargo)
- Type nc:AircraftType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Aircraft)
- Type nc:ConveyanceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements m:ConveyanceOnBoard, nc:Conveyance)
- Type nc:DeviceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements nc:Computer, nc:SIMCard, nc:TelecommunicationDevice)
- Type nc:DrugType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements cyfs:Medication, nc:Drug)
- Type nc:IntangibleItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:IntangibleItem)
- Type nc:IntellectualPropertyType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:IntellectualProperty)
- Type nc:ItemType (Elements j:ArrestInvolvedItem, j:BookingDepositedItem, j:BookingRetainedItem, j:BookingSeizedItem, j:CourtOrderDesignatedItem, j:CustodyTransferItem, j:EvidenceKit ...more)
- Type nc:RealEstateType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:RealEstate)
- Type nc:SecuritiesType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Securities)
- Type nc:SubstanceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:Metal, j:PreciousMetal, nc:Chemical, nc:HazardousMaterial, nc:Substance)
- Type nc:VehicleType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:NonmotoristStrikingVehicle, nc:Vehicle, nc:VesselTrailer)
- Type nc:VesselType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Vessel)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:ItemCategory
- can be substituted with nc:ElectronicInstrumentCategoryCode
Sample instance