A single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a conveyance.
Element information
Schema document: niem-core/3.0/niem-core.xsd
Type: nc:TextType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
from type niem-xs:string
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
nc:partialIndicator | [0..1] | xsd:boolean | True if only partial information was available to the information source at the time when the data was captured in the system; false otherwise. | |
nc:truncationIndicator | [0..1] | xsd:boolean | True if the length of a string is greater than the length of the field within which the string was stored in the exporting system; false otherwise. | |
xml:lang | [0..1] | Anonymous | lang (as an attribute name) denotes an attribute whose value is a language code for the natural language of the content of any element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the XML specification. |
Used in
- Type it:CommodityType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:Commodity, it:CommodityInfo, it:LineCommodity)
- Type it:ConsignmentItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:ConsignmentItem, it:ShippingContainerCargoItem)
- Type it:CustomsGoodsItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:CustomsGoodsItem)
- Type it:EquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:Equipment)
- Type it:GoodsItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:GoodsItemMaterialText)
- Type it:HazardousMaterialDataType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:HazardousMaterialData)
- Type it:MaterialHandlingEquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:MaterialHandlingEquipment)
- Type it:PackageType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:ConsignmentItemPackaging, it:ConsignmentPackaging, it:GoodsItemPackagingText, it:Package)
- Type it:ShippingContainerType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:ShippingContainer)
- Type it:TransportEquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:TransportEquipment)
- Type j:CommercialVehicleType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:CommercialVehicle)
- Type j:ConveyancePartType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:ConveyancePart)
- Type j:EngineType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Engine)
- Type j:ExplosiveType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Explosive)
- Type j:FirearmType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Firearm)
- Type j:ForensicSpecimenType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:ForensicSpecimen)
- Type j:JewelryStoneType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:JewelryMainPendant, j:JewelryStone)
- Type j:JewelryType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Jewelry)
- Type j:PublicationType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Publication)
- Type j:StructureType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Structure)
- Type j:WatchType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Watch)
- Type m:CargoItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element m:CargoItem)
- Type m:CargoType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements m:CDCCargo, m:Cargo)
- Type nc:AircraftType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Aircraft)
- Type nc:ConveyanceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements m:ConveyanceOnBoard, nc:Conveyance)
- Type nc:DeviceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements nc:Computer, nc:SIMCard, nc:TelecommunicationDevice)
- Type nc:DrugType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements cyfs:Medication, nc:Drug)
- Type nc:IntangibleItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:IntangibleItem)
- Type nc:IntellectualPropertyType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:IntellectualProperty)
- Type nc:ItemType (Elements j:ArrestInvolvedItem, j:BookingDepositedItem, j:BookingRetainedItem, j:BookingSeizedItem, j:CourtOrderDesignatedItem, j:CustodyTransferItem, j:EvidenceKit ...more)
- Type nc:RealEstateType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:RealEstate)
- Type nc:SecuritiesType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Securities)
- Type nc:SubstanceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:Metal, j:PreciousMetal, nc:Chemical, nc:HazardousMaterial, nc:Substance)
- Type nc:VehicleType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:NonmotoristStrikingVehicle, nc:Vehicle, nc:VesselTrailer)
- Type nc:VesselType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Vessel)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:ItemColor
- can be substituted with nc:ConveyanceColorPrimaryText
Sample instance