Schema Central > XML Schema 1.0 > xsd:string
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The type xsd:string represents a character string that may contain any Unicode character allowed by XML. Certain characters, namely the "less than" symbol (<) and the ampersand (&), must be escaped (using the entities &lt; and &amp;, respectively) when used in strings in XML instances.

The xsd:string type has a whiteSpace facet of preserve, which means that all whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds) are preserved by the processor. This is in contrast to two types derived from it: normalizedString, and token.

Simple Type Information


Schema Document: datatypes.xsd



Valid valuesComment
This is a string!
Édition française.
an empty string is valid
PB&amp;Jwhen parsed, it will become "PB&J"
   Separated by 3 spaces.
is on two lines.
Invalid valuesComment
AT&Tampersand must be escaped
3 < 4the "less than" symbol must be escaped

Type Inheritance Chain

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