Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  fo:area-alignment-properties
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Area Alignment Properties


Attribute group information


Schema document: fo.xsd


alignment-adjust [0..1]AnonymousAllows more precise alignment of areas generated by formatting objects, in particular for formatting objects, such as graphics, that do not have a baseline-table or lack the desired baseline in their baseline-table. With the "alignment-adjust" property, the position of the baseline identified by the "alignment-baseline" can be explicitly determined.from group fo:alignment-adjust
alignment-baseline [0..1]AnonymousHow an object is aligned with respect to its parent. That is, to which of the parent's baselines the alignment-point of this object is aligned. The alignment-adjust property specifies how the alignment point is determined. It defaults to the baseline with the same name as the computed value of the alignment-baseline property. That is, the position of "ideographic" alignment-point in the block-progression-direction is the position of the "ideographic" baseline in the baseline-table of the object being aligned.from group fo:alignment-baseline
baseline-shift [0..1]AnonymousAllows repositioning of the dominant-baseline relative to the dominant-baseline of the parent area. The shifted object might be a subscript or superscript. Within the shifted object, the whole baseline-table is offset; not just a single baseline. The amount of the shift is determined from information from the parent area, the subscript or superscript offset from the nominal-font of the parent area, percent of the "line-height" of the parent area or an absolute value.from group fo:baseline-shift
display-align [0..1]AnonymousThe alignment, in the block-progression-direction, of the areas that are the children of a reference-area.from group fo:display-align
dominant-baseline [0..1]Anonymousfrom group fo:dominant-baseline
relative-align [0..1]AnonymousThe alignment, in the block-progression-direction, between two or more areas. If the "display-align" property applies to this formatting object and has a value other than "auto" this property is ignored.from group fo:relative-align
vertical-align [0..1]AnonymousAffects the vertical positioning inside a line box of the boxes generated by an inline-level element. The following values only have meaning with respect to a parent inline-level element, or to a parent block-level element, if that element generates anonymous inline boxes; they have no effect if no such parent exists. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:vertical-align