The alignment, in the block-progression-direction, of the areas that are the children of a reference-area.
Attribute information
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description auto If the "relative-align" property applies to this formatting object the "relative-align" property is used. If not, this value is treated as if "before" had been specified. before The before-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the first child area is placed coincident with the before-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area. center The child areas are placed such that the distance between the before-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the first child area and the before-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area is the same as the distance between the after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the last child area and the after-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area. after The after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the last child area is placed coincident with the after-edge of the content-rectangle of the reference-area. inherit
Used in
- Anonymous type of element fo:region-body via reference to fo:display-align
- Anonymous type of element fo:block-container via reference to fo:display-align
- Anonymous type of element fo:external-graphic via reference to fo:display-align
- Anonymous type of element fo:instream-foreign-object via reference to fo:display-align
- Anonymous type of element fo:inline-container via reference to fo:display-align
- Anonymous type of element fo:table-cell via reference to fo:display-align
- Attribute group fo:display-align
- Attribute group fo:area-alignment-properties via reference to fo:display-align
- Type fo:region-before-after via reference to fo:display-align (Elements fo:region-before, fo:region-after)
- Type fo:region-start-end via reference to fo:display-align (Elements fo:region-start, fo:region-end)