Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  alignment-adjust
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Allows more precise alignment of areas generated by formatting objects, in particular for formatting objects, such as graphics, that do not have a baseline-table or lack the desired baseline in their baseline-table. With the "alignment-adjust" property, the position of the baseline identified by the "alignment-baseline" can be explicitly determined.


Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: fo.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Local, Unqualified


  • Union of:
      from type fo:length
    • Type based on xsd:string
      • Pattern: [\+\-]?\d+(\.?\d+)?(pc|px|pt|mm|cm|in|em)
    • from type fo:percentage
    • Type based on xsd:string
      • Pattern: [\+\-]?\d+(\.?\d+)?%
    • from type fo:inherit
    • Type based on xsd:token
      • Valid value
    • Type based on xsd:token
      • Valid valueDescription
        autoFor a glyph, the alignment-point is the intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the glyph-area and the block-progression-direction position of the alignment-point from the font as specified in . For other inline-areas, the alignment-point is at the intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the baseline identified by the "alignment-baseline" property if this baseline exists in the baseline-table for the dominant-baseline for the inline-area. If the baseline-identifier does not exist in the baseline-table for the glyph or other inline-area, then the User Agent may either use heuristics to determine where that missing baseline would be or may use the dominant-baseline as a fallback. For areas generated by an fo:external-graphic, or fo:instream-foreign-object, the alignment point is at the intersection of the start-edge and after-edge of the allocation-rectangle of the area.
        baselineThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the dominant-baseline of the area.
        before-edgeThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "before-edge" baseline of the area.
        text-before-edgeThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "text-before-edge" baseline of the area.
        middleThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "middle" baseline of the area.
        centralThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "central" baseline of the area.
        after-edgeThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "after-edge" baseline of the area.
        text-after-edgeThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "text-after-edge" baseline of the area.
        ideographicThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "ideographic" baseline of the area.
        alphabeticThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "alphabetic" baseline of the area.
        hangingThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "hanging" baseline of the area.
        mathematicalThe intersection of the start-edge of the allocation-rectangle and the "mathematical" baseline of the area.

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