Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  page-height
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The height of a page.


Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: fo.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Local, Unqualified


  • Union of:
      from type fo:length
    • Type based on xsd:string
      • Pattern: [\+\-]?\d+(\.?\d+)?(pc|px|pt|mm|cm|in|em)
    • from type fo:inherit
    • Type based on xsd:token
      • Valid value
    • Type based on xsd:token
      • Valid valueDescription
        autoDetermined, in the case of continuous media, from the size of the User Agent window, otherwise from the size of the media. If media information is not available this dimension shall be implementation-defined.
        indefiniteDetermined from the size of the laid-out content."Page-width" and "page-height" may not both be set to "indefinite". Should that occur, the dimension that is parallel to the block-progression-direction, as determined by the "reference-orientation" and "writing-mode" of the page-reference-area will remain "indefinite" and the other will revert to "auto".

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