Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  fo:pagination-and-layout-properties
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Pagination and Layout Properties


Attribute group information


Schema document: fo.xsd


blank-or-not-blank [0..1]AnonymousForms part of a selection rule to determine if the referenced page-master is eligible for selection at this point in the page-sequence.from group fo:blank-or-not-blank
column-count [0..1]fo:number-or-inheritThe number of columns in the region.from group fo:column-count
column-gap [0..1]fo:length-percentage-or-inheritThe width of the separation between adjacent columns in a multi-column region.from group fo:column-gap
extent [0..1]fo:length-percentage-or-inheritThe inline-progression-dimension of the region-start or region-end or the block-progression-dimension of the region-before or region-after.from group fo:extent
flow-name [0..1]fo:nameThe name of the flow.from group fo:flow-name
force-page-count [0..1]AnonymousImposes a constraint on the number of pages in a page-sequence. In the event that this constraint is not satisfied, an additional page will be added to the end of the sequence. This page becomes the "last" page of that sequence.from group fo:force-page-count
initial-page-number [0..1]AnonymousThe initial folio number to be used in this page-sequence.from group fo:initial-page-number
master-name [0..1]fo:nameNames identify masters, may not be empty and must be unique.from group fo:master-name
master-reference [0..1]fo:nameThe names need not be unique, but may not be empty and must refer to a master-name that exists within the document.from group fo:master-reference
maximum-repeats [0..1]AnonymousThe constraint on the maximum number of pages in the sub-sequence of pages that may be generated by an fo:page-sequence that uses the fo:repeatable-page-master-reference or fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives on which this property is specified.from group fo:maximum-repeats
media-usage [0..1]AnonymousHow the selected display medium is used to present the page(s) specified by the stylesheet.from group fo:media-usage
odd-or-even [0..1]AnonymousForms part of a selection rule to determine if the referenced page-master is eligible for selection at this point in the page-sequence.from group fo:odd-or-even
page-height [0..1]AnonymousThe height of a page.from group fo:page-height
page-position [0..1]AnonymousForms part of a selection rule to determine if the referenced page-master is eligible for selection at this point in the page-sequence.from group fo:page-position
page-width [0..1]AnonymousThe width of a page.from group fo:page-width
precedence [0..1]AnonymousWhich region (i.e., region-before, region-after, region-start, or region-end) takes precedence in terms of which may extend into the corners of the simple-page-master.from group fo:precedence
region-name [0..1]AnonymousIdentifies a region within a simple-page-master.from group fo:region-name
flow-map-name [0..1]fo:nameAn identifying name for an fo:flow-map, which is subsequently referenced as the value of the flow-map-reference property on an fo:page-sequence.from group fo:flow-map-name
flow-map-reference [0..1]fo:nameThe flow map to be used for assigning flows to regions within the page-sequence.from group fo:flow-map-reference
flow-name-reference [0..1]fo:nameA flow to be used within a sequence of flows in the flow-source-list of a particular assignment of flows to regions.from group fo:flow-name-reference
region-name-reference [0..1]fo:nameA flow to be used within a sequence of regions in the flow-target-list of a particular assignment of flows to regions.from group fo:region-name-reference
size [0..1]AnonymousThe size and orientation of a page box. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:size