The RenderingLocationGroup is used to indicate where an element should be rendered. It is used for content that should be rendered out of the normal text flow, such as footnotes or sidenotes. All attributes are optional.
Attribute group information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
renderingPosition | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @renderingPosition attribute is used to specify the rendering location. This location may be relative to an object specified in the @relativeTo attribute. | |
relativeTo | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @relativeTo attribute specifies an object that the rendering should be relative to. This may be an element name, such as "table" or "section". It may also be a specific element, identified by its @id attribute or @identifier attribute. It may also be a physical entity, such as "page" or "column" or "frame". |
Used in
- Type uslm:PageType (Elements uslm:page, uslm:line)
- Type uslm:PositionedNoteType (Elements uslm:footnote, uslm:sidenote, uslm:endnote, uslm:ear)
- Type uslm:RunningHeadType (Elements uslm:centerRunningHead, uslm:leftRunningHead, uslm:rightRunningHead, uslm:slugLine)