The @renderingPosition attribute is used to specify the rendering location. This location may be relative to an object specified in the @relativeTo attribute.
Attribute information
Namespace: None
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Type: uslm:MediumStringSimpleType
Properties: Local, Unqualified
- Type based on xsd:string
- Maximum length: 128
Used in
- Attribute group uslm:RenderingPositionGroup
- Type uslm:PageType via reference to uslm:RenderingPositionGroup (Elements uslm:page, uslm:line)
- Type uslm:PositionedNoteType via reference to uslm:RenderingPositionGroup (Elements uslm:footnote, uslm:sidenote, uslm:endnote, uslm:ear)
- Type uslm:RunningHeadType via reference to uslm:RenderingPositionGroup (Elements uslm:centerRunningHead, uslm:leftRunningHead, uslm:rightRunningHead, uslm:slugLine)