The reference group is used to create references to other items. These items can be items within the document, items in other documents, or entire other document. See the reference specification for how reference URL references are constructed. <property> and <reference> elements can use the reference group. All attributes are optional.
Attribute group information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
href | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | The @href attribute is used to specify references to external documents or items in documents. The value must always be specified as a relative URL conforming to the reference specification. | |
idref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | The @idref attribute is used to specify references to internal elements within the same document. The @idref is specified as the value of the @id attribute of the element being referenced. As in HTML, there is an equivalence between an @href specified as href="#{id}" and idref="{id}". However, the @idref attribute is preferred for internal references. If the @idref points to a <ref> element, then the referencing element builds on top of that reference, acquiring its attributes as default values (which may be overridden by local values). This is a recursive structure; an element may, through the @idref attribute, point to an <ref> element which itself builds on another <ref> element, and so on. This is to support the complex referencing sometimes found in legislation. | |
portion | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @portion attribute is used, in conjunction with the @idref attribute, when only a portion of the referenced item is being affected. The value of @portion is an additional part to append to the URL, with a "/" separator to identify the item affected. Do not include a leading "/" in the @portion value. |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element uslm:amendmentNumber
- Anonymous type of element uslm:citableAs
- Anonymous type of element uslm:citableAsShortTitle
- Anonymous type of element uslm:containsShortTitle
- Anonymous type of element uslm:designator
- Anonymous type of element uslm:label
- Anonymous type of element uslm:target
- Type uslm:AmendingActionType (Element uslm:amendingAction)
- Type uslm:ElidedType (Element uslm:elided)
- Type uslm:RefType (Element uslm:ref)
- Type uslm:ComponentType (Element uslm:component)
- Type uslm:ItemType (Elements uslm:referenceItem, uslm:headingItem, uslm:groupItem)
- Type uslm:PositionedNoteType (Elements uslm:footnote, uslm:sidenote, uslm:endnote, uslm:ear)
- Type uslm:ToCIndexType (Elements uslm:toc, uslm:index, uslm:tableOfTitlesAndChapters, uslm:listOfAgencies, uslm:listOfSectionsAffected, uslm:listOfBillsEnacted, uslm:listOfPublicLaws ...more)
- Type uslm:PropertyType (Elements uslm:property, uslm:coverTitle, uslm:actionInstruction, uslm:approvedDate, uslm:congress, uslm:createdDate, uslm:currentChamber ...more)
- Type uslm:NoteType (Elements uslm:signatureDate, uslm:note, uslm:sourceCredit, uslm:uscNote, uslm:statutoryNote, uslm:drafterNote, uslm:editorialNote ...more)