The @idref attribute is used to specify references to internal elements within the same document. The @idref is specified as the value of the @id attribute of the element being referenced. As in HTML, there is an equivalence between an @href specified as href="#{id}" and idref="{id}". However, the @idref attribute is preferred for internal references. If the @idref points to a <ref> element, then the referencing element builds on top of that reference, acquiring its attributes as default values (which may be overridden by local values). This is a recursive structure; an element may, through the @idref attribute, point to an <ref> element which itself builds on another <ref> element, and so on. This is to support the complex referencing sometimes found in legislation.
Attribute information
Namespace: None
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Type: xsd:IDREF
Properties: Local, Unqualified
- A value of type xsd:IDREF
Used in
- Attribute group uslm:ReferenceGroup
- Anonymous type of element uslm:amendmentNumber via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup
- Anonymous type of element uslm:citableAs via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup
- Anonymous type of element uslm:citableAsShortTitle via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup
- Anonymous type of element uslm:containsShortTitle via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup
- Anonymous type of element uslm:designator via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup
- Anonymous type of element uslm:label via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup
- Anonymous type of element uslm:target via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup
- Type uslm:AmendingActionType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Element uslm:amendingAction)
- Type uslm:ElidedType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Element uslm:elided)
- Type uslm:RefType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Element uslm:ref)
- Type uslm:ComponentType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Element uslm:component)
- Type uslm:ItemType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Elements uslm:referenceItem, uslm:headingItem, uslm:groupItem)
- Type uslm:PositionedNoteType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Elements uslm:footnote, uslm:sidenote, uslm:endnote, uslm:ear)
- Type uslm:ToCIndexType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Elements uslm:toc, uslm:index, uslm:tableOfTitlesAndChapters, uslm:listOfAgencies, uslm:listOfSectionsAffected, uslm:listOfBillsEnacted, uslm:listOfPublicLaws ...more)
- Type uslm:PropertyType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Elements uslm:property, uslm:coverTitle, uslm:actionInstruction, uslm:approvedDate, uslm:congress, uslm:createdDate, uslm:currentChamber ...more)
- Type uslm:NoteType via reference to uslm:ReferenceGroup (Elements uslm:signatureDate, uslm:note, uslm:sourceCredit, uslm:uscNote, uslm:statutoryNote, uslm:drafterNote, uslm:editorialNote ...more)