An expression of interest confirmation issued by a Contracting Party in reply to an expression of interest. The purpose of this document is to inform the Economic Operator he has been registered as an interested party.
Complex type information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:ExpressionOfInterestResponse-2
Schema document: maindoc/UBL-ExpressionOfInterestResponse-2.3.xsd
CCTS Properties:
- Component Type: ABIE
- Dictionary Entry Name: Expression Of Interest Response. Details
- Definition: An expression of interest confirmation issued by a Contracting Party in reply to an expression of interest. The purpose of this document is to inform the Economic Operator he has been registered as an interested party.
- Object Class: Expression Of Interest Response
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
- cbc:UBLVersionID [0..1]The earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance.
- cbc:CustomizationID [0..1]Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use.
- cbc:ProfileID [0..1]Identifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used.
- cbc:ProfileExecutionID [0..1]Identifies an instance of executing a profile, to associate all transactions in a collaboration.
- cbc:ID [1..1]An identifier for this document, assigned by the sender.
- cbc:CopyIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether this document is a copy (true) or not (false).
- cbc:UUID [0..1]A universally unique identifier for an instance of this document.
- cbc:ContractFolderID [0..1]An identifier, assigned by the sender, for the process file (i.e., record) to which this document belongs.
- cbc:IssueDate [1..1]The date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued.
- cbc:IssueTime [0..1]The time, assigned by the sender, at which this document was issued.
- cbc:ContractName [0..*]Short title of a contract associated with this Expression of Interest.
- cbc:TenderLanguageLocaleCode [0..1]A code signifying the language required for the tender.
- cbc:Note [0..*]Free-form text pertinent to this document, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
- cac:ExpressionOfInterestDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to the expression of interest document associated with this document.
- cac:Signature [0..*]A signature applied to this document.
- cac:EconomicOperatorParty [1..1]The economic operator that issued the expression of interest and is receiving the confirmation.
- cac:ContractingParty [1..*]The contracting party or parties in case of joint procurement.
- cac:ProcurementProject [0..1]An overall definition of this procurement project.
- cac:ProcurementProjectLotReference [0..*]One of the procurement project lots into which this contract can be split.
Used in
- Element ExpressionOfInterestResponse