Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonBasicComponents-2.3.xsd
Type: cbc:ProfileExecutionIDType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Type based on xsd:normalizedString
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
schemeID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The identification of the identification scheme. | from type cct:IdentifierType |
schemeName | [0..1] | xsd:string | The name of the identification scheme. | from type cct:IdentifierType |
schemeAgencyID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The identification of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. | from type cct:IdentifierType |
schemeAgencyName | [0..1] | xsd:string | The name of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. | from type cct:IdentifierType |
schemeVersionID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The version of the identification scheme. | from type cct:IdentifierType |
schemeDataURI | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme data is located. | from type cct:IdentifierType |
schemeURI | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme is located. | from type cct:IdentifierType |
Used in
- Type ApplicationResponseType (Element ApplicationResponse)
- Type AttachedDocumentType (Element AttachedDocument)
- Type AwardedNotificationType (Element AwardedNotification)
- Type BillOfLadingType (Element BillOfLading)
- Type BusinessCardType (Element BusinessCard)
- Type CallForTendersType (Element CallForTenders)
- Type CatalogueType (Element Catalogue)
- Type CatalogueDeletionType (Element CatalogueDeletion)
- Type CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdateType (Element CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate)
- Type CataloguePricingUpdateType (Element CataloguePricingUpdate)
- Type CatalogueRequestType (Element CatalogueRequest)
- Type CertificateOfOriginType (Element CertificateOfOrigin)
- Type CommonTransportationReportType (Element CommonTransportationReport)
- Type ContractAwardNoticeType (Element ContractAwardNotice)
- Type ContractNoticeType (Element ContractNotice)
- Type CreditNoteType (Element CreditNote)
- Type DebitNoteType (Element DebitNote)
- Type DespatchAdviceType (Element DespatchAdvice)
- Type DigitalAgreementType (Element DigitalAgreement)
- Type DigitalCapabilityType (Element DigitalCapability)
- Type DocumentStatusType (Element DocumentStatus)
- Type DocumentStatusRequestType (Element DocumentStatusRequest)
- Type EnquiryType (Element Enquiry)
- Type EnquiryResponseType (Element EnquiryResponse)
- Type ExceptionCriteriaType (Element ExceptionCriteria)
- Type ExceptionNotificationType (Element ExceptionNotification)
- Type ExportCustomsDeclarationType (Element ExportCustomsDeclaration)
- Type ExpressionOfInterestRequestType (Element ExpressionOfInterestRequest)
- Type ExpressionOfInterestResponseType (Element ExpressionOfInterestResponse)
- Type ForecastType (Element Forecast)
- Type ForecastRevisionType (Element ForecastRevision)
- Type ForwardingInstructionsType (Element ForwardingInstructions)
- Type FreightInvoiceType (Element FreightInvoice)
- Type FulfilmentCancellationType (Element FulfilmentCancellation)
- Type GoodsCertificateType (Element GoodsCertificate)
- Type GoodsItemItineraryType (Element GoodsItemItinerary)
- Type GoodsItemPassportType (Element GoodsItemPassport)
- Type GuaranteeCertificateType (Element GuaranteeCertificate)
- Type ImportCustomsDeclarationType (Element ImportCustomsDeclaration)
- Type InstructionForReturnsType (Element InstructionForReturns)
- Type InventoryReportType (Element InventoryReport)
- Type InvoiceType (Element Invoice)
- Type ItemInformationRequestType (Element ItemInformationRequest)
- Type ManifestType (Element Manifest)
- Type OrderType (Element Order)
- Type OrderCancellationType (Element OrderCancellation)
- Type OrderChangeType (Element OrderChange)
- Type OrderResponseType (Element OrderResponse)
- Type OrderResponseSimpleType (Element OrderResponseSimple)
- Type PackingListType (Element PackingList)
- Type PriorInformationNoticeType (Element PriorInformationNotice)
- Type ProductActivityType (Element ProductActivity)
- Type ProofOfReexportationType (Element ProofOfReexportation)
- Type ProofOfReexportationReminderType (Element ProofOfReexportationReminder)
- Type ProofOfReexportationRequestType (Element ProofOfReexportationRequest)
- Type QualificationApplicationRequestType (Element QualificationApplicationRequest)
- Type QualificationApplicationResponseType (Element QualificationApplicationResponse)
- Type QuotationType (Element Quotation)
- Type ReceiptAdviceType (Element ReceiptAdvice)
- Type ReminderType (Element Reminder)
- Type RemittanceAdviceType (Element RemittanceAdvice)
- Type RequestForQuotationType (Element RequestForQuotation)
- Type RetailEventType (Element RetailEvent)
- Type SelfBilledCreditNoteType (Element SelfBilledCreditNote)
- Type SelfBilledInvoiceType (Element SelfBilledInvoice)
- Type StatementType (Element Statement)
- Type StockAvailabilityReportType (Element StockAvailabilityReport)
- Type TenderType (Element Tender)
- Type TenderContractType (Element TenderContract)
- Type TenderReceiptType (Element TenderReceipt)
- Type TenderStatusType (Element TenderStatus)
- Type TenderStatusRequestType (Element TenderStatusRequest)
- Type TenderWithdrawalType (Element TenderWithdrawal)
- Type TendererQualificationType (Element TendererQualification)
- Type TendererQualificationResponseType (Element TendererQualificationResponse)
- Type TradeItemLocationProfileType (Element TradeItemLocationProfile)
- Type TransitCustomsDeclarationType (Element TransitCustomsDeclaration)
- Type TransportExecutionPlanType (Element TransportExecutionPlan)
- Type TransportExecutionPlanRequestType (Element TransportExecutionPlanRequest)
- Type TransportProgressStatusType (Element TransportProgressStatus)
- Type TransportProgressStatusRequestType (Element TransportProgressStatusRequest)
- Type TransportServiceDescriptionType (Element TransportServiceDescription)
- Type TransportServiceDescriptionRequestType (Element TransportServiceDescriptionRequest)
- Type TransportationStatusType (Element TransportationStatus)
- Type TransportationStatusRequestType (Element TransportationStatusRequest)
- Type UnawardedNotificationType (Element UnawardedNotification)
- Type UnsubscribeFromProcedureRequestType (Element UnsubscribeFromProcedureRequest)
- Type UnsubscribeFromProcedureResponseType (Element UnsubscribeFromProcedureResponse)
- Type UtilityStatementType (Element UtilityStatement)
- Type WaybillType (Element Waybill)
- Type WeightStatementType (Element WeightStatement)
Sample instance