Attribute group information
Schema document: svg11-flat-20030114.xsd
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group | |
xml:base | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from group svg:SVG.base.attrib | |
xml:lang | [0..1] | Anonymous | from group svg:SVG.lang.attrib | |
xml:space | [0..1] | Anonymous | from group |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Clip.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.ColorProfile.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Conditional.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Cursor.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Extensibility.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Filter.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Hyperlink.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Image.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Marker.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Mask.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Pattern.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Script.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Use.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.View.class
- Anonymous type of element svg:a
- Anonymous type of element svg:altGlyph
- Anonymous type of element svg:altGlyphDef
- Anonymous type of element svg:altGlyphItem
- Anonymous type of element svg:animate
- Anonymous type of element svg:animateColor
- Anonymous type of element svg:animateMotion
- Anonymous type of element svg:animateTransform
- Anonymous type of element svg:circle
- Anonymous type of element svg:clipPath
- Anonymous type of element svg:color-profile
- Anonymous type of element svg:cursor
- Anonymous type of element svg:definition-src
- Anonymous type of element svg:defs
- Anonymous type of element svg:desc
- Anonymous type of element svg:ellipse
- Anonymous type of element svg:feBlend
- Anonymous type of element svg:feColorMatrix
- Anonymous type of element svg:feComponentTransfer
- Anonymous type of element svg:feComposite
- Anonymous type of element svg:feConvolveMatrix
- Anonymous type of element svg:feDiffuseLighting
- Anonymous type of element svg:feDisplacementMap
- Anonymous type of element svg:feDistantLight
- Anonymous type of element svg:feFlood
- Anonymous type of element svg:feFuncA
- Anonymous type of element svg:feFuncB
- Anonymous type of element svg:feFuncG
- Anonymous type of element svg:feFuncR
- Anonymous type of element svg:feGaussianBlur
- Anonymous type of element svg:feImage
- Anonymous type of element svg:feMerge
- Anonymous type of element svg:feMergeNode
- Anonymous type of element svg:feMorphology
- Anonymous type of element svg:feOffset
- Anonymous type of element svg:fePointLight
- Anonymous type of element svg:feSpecularLighting
- Anonymous type of element svg:feSpotLight
- Anonymous type of element svg:feTile
- Anonymous type of element svg:feTurbulence
- Anonymous type of element svg:filter
- Anonymous type of element svg:font
- Anonymous type of element svg:font-face
- Anonymous type of element svg:font-face-format
- Anonymous type of element svg:font-face-name
- Anonymous type of element svg:font-face-src
- Anonymous type of element svg:font-face-uri
- Anonymous type of element svg:foreignObject
- Anonymous type of element svg:g
- Anonymous type of element svg:glyph
- Anonymous type of element svg:glyphRef
- Anonymous type of element svg:hkern
- Anonymous type of element svg:image
- Anonymous type of element svg:line
- Anonymous type of element svg:linearGradient
- Anonymous type of element svg:marker
- Anonymous type of element svg:mask
- Anonymous type of element svg:metadata
- Anonymous type of element svg:missing-glyph
- Anonymous type of element svg:mpath
- Anonymous type of element svg:path
- Anonymous type of element svg:pattern
- Anonymous type of element svg:polygon
- Anonymous type of element svg:polyline
- Anonymous type of element svg:radialGradient
- Anonymous type of element svg:rect
- Anonymous type of element svg:script
- Anonymous type of element svg:set
- Anonymous type of element svg:stop
- Anonymous type of element svg:svg
- Anonymous type of element svg:switch
- Anonymous type of element svg:symbol
- Anonymous type of element svg:text
- Anonymous type of element svg:textPath
- Anonymous type of element svg:title
- Anonymous type of element svg:tref
- Anonymous type of element svg:tspan
- Anonymous type of element svg:use
- Anonymous type of element svg:view
- Anonymous type of element svg:vkern
- Attribute group svg:attlist.a
- Attribute group svg:attlist.altGlyph
- Attribute group svg:attlist.altGlyphDef
- Attribute group svg:attlist.altGlyphItem
- Attribute group svg:attlist.animate
- Attribute group svg:attlist.animateColor
- Attribute group svg:attlist.animateMotion
- Attribute group svg:attlist.animateTransform
- Attribute group
- Attribute group svg:attlist.clipPath
- Attribute group svg:attlist.color-profile
- Attribute group svg:attlist.cursor
- Attribute group svg:attlist.definition-src
- Attribute group svg:attlist.defs
- Attribute group svg:attlist.desc
- Attribute group svg:attlist.ellipse
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feBlend
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feColorMatrix
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feComponentTransfer
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feComposite
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feConvolveMatrix
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feDiffuseLighting
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feDisplacementMap
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feDistantLight
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feFlood
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feFuncA
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feFuncB
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feFuncG
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feFuncR
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feGaussianBlur
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feImage
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feMerge
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feMergeNode
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feMorphology
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feOffset
- Attribute group svg:attlist.fePointLight
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feSpecularLighting
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feSpotLight
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feTile
- Attribute group svg:attlist.feTurbulence
- Attribute group svg:attlist.filter
- Attribute group svg:attlist.font
- Attribute group svg:attlist.font-face
- Attribute group svg:attlist.font-face-format
- Attribute group svg:attlist.font-face-name
- Attribute group svg:attlist.font-face-src
- Attribute group svg:attlist.font-face-uri
- Attribute group svg:attlist.foreignObject
- Attribute group svg:attlist.g
- Attribute group svg:attlist.glyph
- Attribute group svg:attlist.glyphRef
- Attribute group svg:attlist.hkern
- Attribute group svg:attlist.image
- Attribute group svg:attlist.line
- Attribute group svg:attlist.linearGradient
- Attribute group svg:attlist.marker
- Attribute group svg:attlist.mask
- Attribute group svg:attlist.metadata
- Attribute group svg:attlist.missing-glyph
- Attribute group svg:attlist.mpath
- Attribute group svg:attlist.path
- Attribute group svg:attlist.pattern
- Attribute group svg:attlist.polygon
- Attribute group svg:attlist.polyline
- Attribute group svg:attlist.radialGradient
- Attribute group svg:attlist.rect
- Attribute group svg:attlist.script
- Attribute group svg:attlist.set
- Attribute group svg:attlist.stop
- Attribute group svg:attlist.svg
- Attribute group svg:attlist.switch
- Attribute group svg:attlist.symbol
- Attribute group svg:attlist.text
- Attribute group svg:attlist.textPath
- Attribute group svg:attlist.title
- Attribute group svg:attlist.tref
- Attribute group svg:attlist.tspan
- Attribute group svg:attlist.use
- Attribute group svg:attlist.view
- Attribute group svg:attlist.vkern