Element information
Schema document: svg11-flat-20030114.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Choice [0..*]from subst. group svg:SVG.Description.class
from type svg:SVG.color-profile.content
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group | |
xml:base | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from group svg:SVG.base.attrib | |
xml:lang | [0..1] | Anonymous | from group svg:SVG.lang.attrib | |
xml:space | [0..1] | Anonymous | from group | |
xlink:type | [0..1] | Anonymous | Default value is "simple". from group svg:SVG.XLink.attrib | |
xlink:href | [0..1] | svg:URI.datatype | from group svg:SVG.XLink.attrib | |
xlink:role | [0..1] | svg:URI.datatype | from group svg:SVG.XLink.attrib | |
xlink:arcrole | [0..1] | svg:URI.datatype | from group svg:SVG.XLink.attrib | |
xlink:title | [0..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | from group svg:SVG.XLink.attrib | |
xlink:show | [0..1] | Unspecified | from group svg:SVG.XLink.attrib | |
xlink:actuate | [0..1] | Unspecified | from group svg:SVG.XLink.attrib | |
local | [0..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | from group svg:attlist.color-profile | |
name | [1..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | from group svg:attlist.color-profile | |
rendering-intent | [0..1] | Anonymous | Default value is "auto". from group svg:attlist.color-profile |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Hyperlink.class via extension of svg:SVG.a.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Marker.class via extension of svg:SVG.marker.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Mask.class via extension of svg:SVG.mask.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:SVG.Pattern.class via extension of svg:SVG.pattern.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:a via extension of svg:SVG.a.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:defs via extension of svg:SVG.defs.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:g via extension of svg:SVG.g.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:glyph via extension of svg:SVG.glyph.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:marker via extension of svg:SVG.marker.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:mask via extension of svg:SVG.mask.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:missing-glyph via extension of svg:SVG.missing-glyph.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:pattern via extension of svg:SVG.pattern.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:svg via extension of svg:SVG.svg.content
- Anonymous type of element svg:symbol via extension of svg:SVG.symbol.content
- Type svg:SVG.a.content
- Type svg:SVG.defs.content
- Type svg:SVG.g.content
- Type svg:SVG.glyph.content
- Type svg:SVG.marker.content
- Type svg:SVG.mask.content
- Type svg:SVG.missing-glyph.content
- Type svg:SVG.pattern.content
- Type svg:SVG.svg.content
- Type svg:SVG.symbol.content
Substitution hierarchy
- svg:SVG.ColorProfile.class
- can be substituted with svg:color-profile
Sample instance
<svg:color-profile name="any text content"> <svg:desc>Any text</svg:desc> </svg:color-profile>