The total cost of this project, as either an entered amount (no activity costing) or calculated as the sum of the activity costs. This field is updated by the LoadProjectAccounting BOD.
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: AmountType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-c917cf55d1394fa28373f18c984dfd93
- Empty content
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
currencyCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | The currency of the amount | from type AmountType_0723C8 |
Used in
- Group ActualResourceGroup
- Group ResourceAllocationGroup
- Type ActualBaseType via reference to ActualResourceGroup
- Type ActualType via reference to ActualResourceGroup (Element Actual)
- Type ConfigurationHeaderBaseType
- Type ConfigurationHeaderType via extension of ConfigurationHeaderBaseType (Element ConfigurationHeader)
- Type InventoryActualBaseType via reference to ActualResourceGroup
- Type InventoryActualType via reference to ActualResourceGroup (Element InventoryActual)
- Type InventoryAllocationBaseType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup
- Type InventoryAllocationType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup (Element InventoryAllocation)
- Type LaborActualBaseType via reference to ActualResourceGroup
- Type LaborActualType via reference to ActualResourceGroup (Element LaborActual)
- Type LaborAllocationBaseType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup
- Type LaborAllocationType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup (Element LaborAllocation)
- Type MachineActualBaseType via reference to ActualResourceGroup
- Type MachineActualType via reference to ActualResourceGroup (Element MachineActual)
- Type MachineAllocationBaseType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup
- Type MachineAllocationType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup (Element MachineAllocation)
- Type MoveProductForecastLineBaseType
- Type MoveProductForecastLineType via extension of MoveProductForecastLineBaseType (Element MoveProductForecastLine)
- Type MoveProductForecasttHeaderBaseType
- Type MoveProductForecasttHeaderType via extension of MoveProductForecasttHeaderBaseType (Element MoveProductForecastHeader)
- Type MoveProductHeaderBaseType
- Type MoveProductHeaderType via extension of MoveProductHeaderBaseType (Element MoveProductHeader)
- Type MoveProductLineBaseType
- Type MoveProductLineType via extension of MoveProductLineBaseType (Element MoveProductLine)
- Type OperationActualBaseType via reference to ActualResourceGroup
- Type OperationActualType via reference to ActualResourceGroup (Element OperationActual)
- Type OperationAllocationBaseType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup
- Type OperationAllocationType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup (Element OperationAllocation)
- Type ProjectMasterBaseType
- Type ProjectMasterType via extension of ProjectMasterBaseType (Element ProjectMaster)
- Type ResourceAllocationBaseType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup
- Type ResourceAllocationType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup (Element ResourceAllocation)
- Type ToolActualBaseType via reference to ActualResourceGroup
- Type ToolActualType via reference to ActualResourceGroup (Element ToolActual)
- Type ToolAllocationBaseType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup
- Type ToolAllocationType via reference to ResourceAllocationGroup (Element ToolAllocation)
Sample instance