Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > record.xsd > record.xsd
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Definitive XML Schema


Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA


Advanced XML Applications



A basic schema for a simple record composed of a list of items.
All items are XML encoded
A schema for the description of the record is given in recordType.xsd
OGC 05-087r4 page 77 © OGC 2006 – All rights reserved 

  DHS Changes:  
    2006-09-22 Changed namespaces following NIEM conventions
		1) targetnamespace
    2006-09-18 versioned namespace

Schema document information


File path: external/ogc-observation/draft-0.14.5/swe/dhs-gmo/1.0.0/record.xsd

Properties: Version: pre-release, Element Form Default: qualified, Attribute Form Default: unqualified

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