Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonBasicComponents-2.1.xsd
Type: cbc:IndustryClassificationCodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified
from type udt:CodeType
from type cct:CodeType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
listID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The identification of a list of codes. | from type cct:CodeType |
listAgencyID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | An agency that maintains one or more lists of codes. | from type cct:CodeType |
listAgencyName | [0..1] | xsd:string | The name of the agency that maintains the list of codes. | from type cct:CodeType |
listName | [0..1] | xsd:string | The name of a list of codes. | from type cct:CodeType |
listVersionID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The version of the list of codes. | from type cct:CodeType |
name | [0..1] | xsd:string | The textual equivalent of the code content component. | from type cct:CodeType |
languageID | [0..1] | xsd:language | The identifier of the language used in the code name. | from type cct:CodeType |
listURI | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list is located. | from type cct:CodeType |
listSchemeURI | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list scheme is located. | from type cct:CodeType |
Used in
- Type cac:PartyType (Elements cac:AdditionalInformationParty, cac:AgentParty, cac:AppealInformationParty, cac:AppealReceiverParty, cac:BeneficiaryParty, cac:BillOfLadingHolderParty, cac:BillToParty, cac:CarrierParty, cac:ConsigneeParty, cac:ConsignorParty, cac:ContactParty, cac:ContractResponsibleParty, cac:CustomsAgentParty, cac:DeliveryParty, cac:DespatchParty, cac:DocumentProviderParty, cac:EvidenceIssuingParty, cac:ExporterParty, cac:FinalDeliveryParty, cac:FinancingParty, cac:FreightForwarderParty, cac:GuarantorParty, cac:HazardousItemNotificationParty, cac:HeadOfficeParty, cac:ImporterParty, cac:InformationContentProviderParty, cac:InsuranceParty, cac:InterestedParty, cac:InventoryReportingParty, cac:IssuerParty, cac:LoadingProofParty, cac:LogisticsOperatorParty, cac:ManufacturerParty, cac:MediationParty, cac:MortgageHolderParty, cac:NotaryParty, cac:NotifyParty, cac:OperatingParty, cac:OriginalDespatchParty, cac:OriginatorParty, cac:OwnerParty, cac:Party, cac:PayeeParty, cac:PayerParty, cac:PerformingCarrierParty, cac:PickupParty, cac:PreSelectedParty, cac:PreparationParty, cac:ProviderParty, cac:ReceiverParty, cac:RecipientParty, cac:ResponsibleTransportServiceProviderParty, cac:SenderParty, cac:SignatoryParty, cac:SourceIssuerParty, cac:SubcontractorParty, cac:SubscriberParty, cac:SubstituteCarrierParty, cac:TaxRepresentativeParty, cac:TenderEvaluationParty, cac:TenderRecipientParty, cac:TendererParty, cac:TerminalOperatorParty, cac:TransportAdvisorParty, cac:TransportServiceProviderParty, cac:TransportUserParty, cac:UtilityCustomerParty, cac:UtilitySupplierParty, cac:WarrantyParty, cac:WitnessParty)
Sample instance