Schema Central > UBL 2.0 > UBL-QualifiedDatatypes-2.0.xsd > qdt:ChannelCodeType
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The set of possible ways in which communication can be made (eg. Phone, email, etc).

Complex type information

CCTS properties:

  • Dictionary Entry Name: Channel_ Code. Type
  • Version: 2.0
  • Definition: The set of possible ways in which communication can be made (eg. Phone, email, etc).
  • Representation Term: Code
  • Qualifier Term: Channel
  • Unique I D:
  • Usage Rule: Used under the terms of the UNECE policy stated at


  • Type based on xsd:normalizedString
    • Attributes

      listID [0..1]xsd:normalizedStringDefault value is "UN/ECE 3155".
      listAgencyID [0..1]xsd:normalizedStringDefaults to the UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code list.Default value is "6".
      listAgencyName [0..1]xsd:stringDefault value is "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe".
      listName [0..1]xsd:stringDefault value is "Communication Address Code Qualifier".
      listVersionID [0..1]xsd:normalizedStringIdentifies the Directory of the UN/EDIFACT code list.Default value is "D03A".
      name [0..1]xsd:string
      languageID [0..1]xsd:languageDefault value is "en".
      listURI [0..1]xsd:anyURIDefault value is "".
      listSchemeURI [0..1]xsd:anyURIDefault value is "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:codelist:gc:ChannelCode-2.0".

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