Schema Central > OOXML > vml-main.xsd > v:CT_Path
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Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA


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Complex type information

Namespace: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml

Schema document: vml-main.xsd



id [0..1]xsd:stringUnique Identifierfrom group v:AG_Id
v [0..1]xsd:stringPath Definition
limo [0..1]xsd:stringLimo Stretch Point
textboxrect [0..1]xsd:stringText Box Bounding Box
fillok [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseShape Fill Toggle
strokeok [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseStroke Toggle
shadowok [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseShadow Toggle
arrowok [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseArrowhead Display Toggle
gradientshapeok [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseGradient Shape Toggle
textpathok [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseText Path Toggle
insetpenok [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseInset Stroke From Path Flag
o:connecttype [0..1]o:ST_ConnectTypeConnection Point Type
o:connectlocs [0..1]xsd:stringConnection Points
o:connectangles [0..1]xsd:stringConnection Point Connect Angles
o:extrusionok [0..1]o:ST_TrueFalseExtrusion Toggle

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