Schema Central > OOXML > vml-main.xsd > v:AG_ShapeAttributes
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Attribute group information

Namespace: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml

Schema document: vml-main.xsd


chromakey [0..1]v:ST_ColorTypeImage Transparency Colorfrom group v:AG_Chromakey
filled [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseShape Fill Togglefrom group v:AG_Fill
fillcolor [0..1]v:ST_ColorTypeFill Colorfrom group v:AG_Fill
opacity [0..1]xsd:stringFill Color Opacity
stroked [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseShape Stroke Toggle
strokecolor [0..1]v:ST_ColorTypeShape Stroke Color
strokeweight [0..1]xsd:stringShape Stroke Weight
insetpen [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalseInset Border From Path

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