Schema Central > OOXML > vml-main.xsd > v:AG_CoreAttributes
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Attribute group information

Namespace: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml

Schema document: vml-main.xsd


id [0..1]xsd:stringUnique Identifierfrom group v:AG_Id
style [0..1]xsd:stringShape Styling Propertiesfrom group v:AG_Style
href [0..1]xsd:stringHyperlink Target
target [0..1]xsd:stringHyperlink Display Target
class [0..1]xsd:stringCSS Reference
title [0..1]xsd:stringShape Title
alt [0..1]xsd:stringAlternate Text
coordsize [0..1]xsd:stringCoordinate Space Size
coordorigin [0..1]xsd:stringCoordinate Space Origin
wrapcoords [0..1]xsd:stringShape Bounding Polygon
print [0..1]v:ST_TrueFalsePrint Toggle

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