Operation Type for detailing a manufacturing step or operation
Complex type information
Namespace: http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/10
Schema document: Common.xsd
Properties: ID: oagis-id-0b5e91c89e66486393652186165c6dc4
- Sequence [1..1]
- ID [0..1] Is the Identifiers of the given instance of an entity within the scope of the integration. The schemeAgencyID attribute identifies the party that provided or knows this party by the given identifier.
- RevisionID [0..1] Is the revision of the semantically named document. The combination of the ID and its revision uniquely identifies the associated entity.
- VariationID [0..1]
- DocumentIDSet [0..*]
- LastModificationDateTime [0..1] The datetime on which the object was last modified
- DocumentDateTime [0..1] The date that document was created within the system of record.
- Description [0..*]
- Note [0..*]
- DocumentReference [0..*]
- Attachment [0..*] The Attachment represents binary data files that may be included within a BOD. These files replace the paper specifications and drawings attached to a BOD definition to clearly communicate design requirements. This Data Type is optional. Attachment usage is further defined by its position.
- BOMReference [0..*] Is a reference to a Bill-Of-Material Document.
- RouteReference [0..*] Reference to a Routing.
- CostTypeCode [0..1] Is the.methodology by which the value of an item is determined. Values are: Standard Moving Average LIFO - last in first out. FIFO - first in first out
- ContainerTypeCode [0..1] Identifies the type of container used to place the items that result from the operation.
- DepartmentID [0..1] Is the department in which the associated entity belongs within the given organization.
- CostAmount [0..1] Identifies the cost of the given entity on the General Ledger As such the currency used is the currency of the General Ledger. In the case of an operation it the cost of performing the Operation.Identifies the cost of the operation on the General Ledger As such the currency used is the currency of the General Ledger.
- ProcessCode [0..1] Is a process code used for grouping like operations. Possible examples are: Heat Treat, Dyeing
- MachineSetupDependencyCodes [0..1] Indicates whether the machine can be setup for the operation early or whether setup must happen at a specific time depending upon conditions. Possible values: - Early - NotDelayed - DelayedByPredicessor - DelayedByMaterial
- MaximumParallelTeamsFactorNumber [0..1] Defines a maximum number of parallel work teams allowed.
- FixedRejectQuantity [0..1] The fixed number of parts that will be rejected during setup, and tear down of an operation.
- RejectedQuantity [0..1] Indicates the quantity rejected for the specified Reason
- BatchSizeQuantity [0..1] This is the quantity of a product or item made during a batch production run or the amount of material produced by the Operation being defined. An example would be how many cookies produced by a particular Operation..
- PerishedInOperationQuantity [0..1] Indicates the number of items that have perished within the operation
- PerishedBetweenOperationsQuantity [0..1] Indicates the number of items that have perished between operations.
- TransferLotQuantity [0..1] This is quantity to be transferred between operations within one lot.
- SetupTimeDuration [0..1] This is the time it takes to setup to run the operation. This is a duration time.
- WaitTimeDuration [0..1] This is the time that an operation can wait after being run. This is a duration of time.
- RunTimeDuration [0..1] This is the time per item to perform the specific operation. This is a duration of time.
- TearDownDuration [0..1] This is the time it takes to tear down from running an operation. The time it takes before setup for another operation can be performed. This is a duration time.
- BatchDuration [0..1] This is a fixed duration of time indicating the time it takes to perform a batch.
- QueueDuration [0..1] This is the time the job may be in the queue before being able to be run at the work center location. This is a duration of time.
- MoveDuration [0..1] This is the time it takes move the part from one work center location to another work center location. This is a duration time.
- FixedDuration [0..1] This is a fixed duration of time where the time it takes to perform is known and fixed prior to the operation being performed. An example of this would be something sent out to be worked, where the duration of the process is known before it actually happens.
- RejectPercent [0..1] This is the percentage to be rejected.
- Effectivity [0..*] Specifies effectivity of an associated object. Effectivity is expressed may be expressed as: multiple ranges, values, time period or as associated to a specific Item.
- SiteLocation [0..*] Identifies the Site Location that the associated entity occurs.
- MultipleRunSaveTimeIndicator [0..1] Indicates that time can be saved by running this operation multiple times.
- TrackingIndicator [0..1] Indicates whether the related object is to be tracked
- QualifiedResource [0..*] Information that describes the resources to perform the specified resource usage for the operation and/or the step that is defined by the preceding Operation or Step.
- Charge [0..*] Specifies the details for Charges that may be applied to the associated transaction
- Distribution [0..*] A distribution of the financial credit or debit of the transaction across an organization.
- Step [0..*] Information specific to the steps specified to perform the operation.
from type DocumentIdentificationBaseTypefrom type HeaderBaseTypefrom group FreeFormTextGroupfrom group ReferencesGroupfrom group OperationGroup
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
typeCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | ||
actionCode | [0..1] | ActionCodeContentType |
Used by
- Element MoveFromOperation via derived type OperationType
- Element MoveToOperation via derived type OperationType
- Element Operation via derived type OperationType
Type inheritance chain
- DocumentIdentificationBaseType
- HeaderBaseType
- OperationBaseType
- extended by OperationType
- OperationBaseType
- HeaderBaseType