This is a fixed duration of time where the time it takes to perform is known and fixed prior to the operation being performed. An example of this would be something sent out to be worked, where the duration of the process is known before it actually happens.
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: DurationMeasureType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-10cc6c26c11c4ef3ad98f3daa854bf6f
from type DurationType_JJ5401
- xsd:duration
from type xbt_WeekDurationType
Used in
- Group OperationGroup
- Type OperationBaseType via reference to OperationGroup
- Type OperationType via reference to OperationGroup (Elements MoveFromOperation, MoveToOperation, Operation)
- Type QualifiedResourceBaseType via reference to OperationGroup
- Type QualifiedResourceType via reference to OperationGroup (Element QualifiedResource)
Sample instance