Contains the Item IDs for an associated item.
Group information
Schema document: Common.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- CustomerItemIdentification [0..1] Is the identifier provided by the customer for the item.
- ManufacturerItemIdentification [0..1] Is the identifier provided by Manufacturer for the Item. One example may be the model number.
- SupplierItemIdentification [0..1] Is the identifier provided by the supplier for the item.
- UPCID [0..1] Allows an instance of an item to have a UPC identifier associated.
- EPCID [0..1] Allows an instance of an item to communicate the ElectronicProductCodeID that it was assigned. The ElectronicProductCodeID is one of the major RadioFrequency Identifiers used.
- GTINID [0..1]
Used in
- Type AttachedItemBaseType
- Type BOMItemDataBaseType
- Type BatchBaseType
- Type ItemBaseType
- Type ItemInstanceBaseType
- Type ItemInstanceIdentificationBaseType
- Type ItemMasterBaseType
- Type ItemMasterLocationBaseType
- Type ItemSubLineBaseType
- Type LocationItemMasterBaseType
- Type ManufacturingItemBaseType
- Type ReceiveDeliveryItemBaseType
- Type ReceiveDeliveryUnitItemBaseType
- Type RevisedBOMComponentBaseType
- Type RevisedItemRevisionBaseType
- Type RevisedSubstituteItemBaseType
- Type ServicedItemInstanceBaseType
- Type ShipItemBaseType
- Type ShipmentItemBaseType
- Type ShipmentUnitItemBaseType
- Type AttachedItemType (Element AttachedItem)
- Type BOMItemDataType (Element BOMItemData)
- Type BatchType (Element Batch)
- Type ItemMasterType (Element ItemMaster)
- Type ItemSubLineType (Element ItemSubLine)
- Type LocationItemMasterType (Element LocationItemMaster)
- Type ReceiveDeliveryItemType (Element ReceiveDeliveryItem)
- Type ReceiveDeliveryUnitItemType (Element ReceiveDeliveryUnitItem)
- Type RevisedBOMComponentType (Element RevisedBOMComponent)
- Type RevisedItemRevisionType (Element RevisedItemRevision)
- Type RevisedSubstituteItemType (Element RevisedSubstituteItem)
- Type ServicedItemInstanceType (Element ServicedItemInstance)
- Type ShipmentItemType (Element ShipmentItem)
- Type ShipmentUnitItemType (Element ShipmentUnitItem)
- Type ManufacturingItemType (Elements ManufacturingItem, FinishedGoodItem)
- Type ItemInstanceIdentificationType (Elements ParentItemInstanceIdentification, ChildItemInstanceIdentification, InventoryItemInstanceIdentification)
- Type ItemInstanceType (Elements ItemInstance, ParentItemInstance, RejectedItemInstance, ScrappedItemInstance, SubstituteItemInstance, ComponentItemInstance)
- Type ItemType (Elements Item, AssociatedBundleItem, AttachedServiceItem, ServiceItem, ChildItem, AssociatedItem, ServiceBundleItem ...more)