Schema Central > NIEM 3.1 > coordinateReferenceSystems.xsd > gml:componentReferenceSystem
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The gml:componentReferenceSystem elements are an ordered sequence of associations to all the component coordinate reference systems included in this compound coordinate reference system. The gml:AggregationAttributeGroup should be used to specify that the gml:componentReferenceSystem properties are ordered.

Element information



xlink:type [0..1]xsd:stringFixed value is "simple". from group xlink:simpleLink
xlink:href [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group xlink:simpleLink
xlink:role [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group xlink:simpleLink
xlink:arcrole [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group xlink:simpleLink
xlink:title [0..1]xsd:stringfrom group xlink:simpleLink
xlink:show [0..1]Anonymous The 'show' attribute is used to communicate the desired presentation of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource; it's value should be treated as follows: new - load ending resource in a new window, frame, pane, or other presentation context replace - load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or other presentation context embed - load ending resource in place of the presentation of the starting resource other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in the link for hints none - behavior is unconstrained from group xlink:simpleLink
xlink:actuate [0..1]Anonymous The 'actuate' attribute is used to communicate the desired timing of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource; it's value should be treated as follows: onLoad - traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading the starting resource onRequest - traverse from the starting resource to the ending resource only on a post-loading event triggered for this purpose other - behavior is unconstrained; examine other markup in link for hints none - behavior is unconstrained from group xlink:simpleLink
nilReason [0..1]gml:NilReasonTypefrom group gml:AssociationAttributeGroup
gml:remoteSchema [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group gml:AssociationAttributeGroup

Used in

Substitution hierarchy

Sample instance

   <gml:ProjectedCRS gml:id="ID">
         <gml:GenericMetaData>Any text, intermingled with:
            <!--any element-->
      <gml:identifier codeSpace="">string</gml:identifier>
         <gml:Conversion gml:id="ID">...
         <gml:GeodeticCRS gml:id="ID">...
         <gml:CartesianCS gml:id="ID">...

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