A data type for a formal allegation that a specific person has committed a specific offense.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/5.0/
Schema document: domains/jxdm/5.0/jxdm.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- j:ChargeAccidentRelatedIndicator [0..*]True if a charge is related to a traffic accident; false otherwise.
- j:ChargeApplicabilityText [0..*]A degree of involvement a person is being charged with committing in an offense.
- j:ChargeArrestReasonIndicator [0..*]True if a charge is the reason a person was arrested; false otherwise.
- j:ChargeCategoryDescriptionText [0..*]A description of a crime category.
- j:ChargeCountQuantity [0..*]A number of times a person is charged with committing the same crime.
- j:ChargeDegreeText [0..*]A degree of a charge.
- j:ChargeDescriptionText [0..*]A plain language description of a charge.
- j:ChargeDisposition [0..*]A result or processing of a charge.
- j:ChargeEmploymentRelatedIndicator [0..*]True if a charge is related to a person's employment; false otherwise.
- j:ChargeFilerEntity [0..*]An entity which filed a current charge.
- j:ChargeEnhancingAllegationCharge [0..*]A formal allegation, contained in at least one charging instrument, that a defendant has violated a statute and/or ordinance in association with an incident.
- j:ChargeEnhancingFactor [0..*]A factor or reason that makes a charge more serious.
- j:ChargeEnhancingPriorConviction [0..*]A prior conviction.
- j:ChargeOriginatorEntity [0..*]An entity that originally filed a charge or a related predecessor charge if the charge was changed later by prosecution or the court.
- j:ChargeFelonyIndicator [0..*]True if a charge refers to a felony offense; false otherwise.
- j:ChargeFilingDate [0..*]A date a charge was filed.
- j:ChargeHighestIndicator [0..*]True if a charge is the most serious charge within a group of charges; false otherwise.
- j:ChargeIdentification [0..*]A unique identification number assigned to a particular charge by an arresting agency, prosecuting attorney, or a court for case management purposes.
- j:ChargeInstrument [0..*]An official document filed to formally accuse a person of committing a specific offense.
- j:ChargeLegalDescriptionText [0..*]A legal or formal description of a charge.
- j:ChargeMACRDispositionText [0..*]A charge disposition as reported to the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register.
- j:ChargeModifierEntity [0..*]An entity that modified the original charge.
- j:ChargeMACRIndicationLevelText [0..*]An indication of the level or seriousness of the charge, as reported to the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register
- j:ChargeMACRJuvenileLevelText [0..*]An indication of the level or seriousness of a juvenile charge, as reported to the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register
- j:ChargeMACRStatusText [0..*]A status of a charge, as reported to the Monthly Arrest and Citation Register
- j:ChargeModificationInstrument [0..*]An official document filed to modify a charge against a person.
- j:ChargeNarrative [0..*]A document associated with a charge.
- j:ChargePlea [0..*]An answer which a defendant in an action at law makes in response to a charge.
- j:ChargeQualifierText [0..*]An additional piece of information that clarifies a charge.
- j:ChargeRecommendedBailAmount [0..*]A bail amount on a schedule recommended according to the charge.
- j:ChargeReducingFactorText [0..*]A factor which may make a charge less serious or limit the penalty.
- j:ChargeSanction [0..*]A sanction given to a person convicted of a charge.
- j:ChargeSentence [0..*]A sentence given to a person convicted of a charge.
- j:ChargeSentenceRangeText [0..*]A standard sentence range a person charged with an offense potentially faces if convicted.
- j:ChargeSequenceID [0..*]A sequentially assigned identifier for charge tracking purposes.
- j:ChargeSeriousViolentIndicator [0..*]True if a charge filed refers to a serious or violent offense; false otherwise.
- j:ChargeSeverityLevel [0..*]A severity level of a charge.
- j:ChargeSeverityText [0..*]A level of severity of a charge.
- j:ChargeSpecialAllegationText [0..*]A factor that has enhanced a charge, making it a more serious offense.
- j:ChargeStatus [0..*]A state of a charge.
- j:ChargeStatute [0..*]A unique identifier of a law, rule, or ordinance within a jurisdiction that a person is accused of violating.
- j:ChargeSubject [0..*]A person accused of committing a specific offense.
- j:ChargeText [0..*]A text of a charge.
- j:ChargeTrackingIdentification [0..*]A unique identification number assigned to an entire set of charges for an arrest. Different numbers may appear in the set if cases have been consolidated.
- j:ChargeUCRCrimeCategoryText [0..*]A Uniform Crime Report (UCR) kind or classification of a crime associated with a charge.
- j:ChargeVerdict [0..*]A set of details describing if a person was found guilty or innocent of a charge.
- j:ChargeVictim [0..*]A person or entity who is the victim of an offense designated by the charge.
- j:ChargeNCICText [0..*]A literal description of an offense within the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system.
- j:ChargeSeverityDescriptionText [0..*]A description of the level of the offense such as Grade A Misdemeanor, Gross Misdemeanor, Aggravated Misdemeanor. States may transmit numeric grade levels (1,2,3) or define degrees alphanumerically (A,B, C.)
- j:ChargeCategoryCode [0..*]A kind of charge.
- j:ChargeNCICCode [0..*]An offense within the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system.
- j:ChargeUCRCode [0..*]An offense within the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) system.
- Choice [0..*]
- cyfs:ChargeAugmentationAdditional information about a charge.
- scr:ChargeAugmentationAdditional information about a charge.
from subst. group j:ChargeAugmentationPoint
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPointfrom subst. group j:ChargeCategoryfrom subst. group j:ChargeNCICfrom subst. group j:ChargeUCR
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used by
- Element cyfs:Allegation
- Element cyfs:PendingCharge
- Element j:AmendedCharge
- Element j:ArrestCharge
- Element j:CaseAmendedCharge
- Element j:CaseCharge
- Element j:Charge
- Element j:ChargeEnhancingAllegationCharge
- Element j:ConvictionCharge
- Element j:CourtCharge
- Element j:OriginalCharge
- Element j:PersonCharge
- Element j:ProsecutionCharge
- Element j:SentenceCharge
- Element j:SentenceModificationCharge
- Element cyfs:JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegation via derived type cyfs:JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationType
Type inheritance chain
- structures:ObjectType
- j:ChargeType
- extended by cyfs:JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationType
- extended by j:JuvenileActivityChargeDispositionType
- extended by j:JuvenileActivityChargeType
- j:ChargeType