An offense within the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system.
Element information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/5.0/
Schema document: domains/jxdm/5.0/jxdm.xsd
Type: ncic:OFFCodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
from type ncic:OFFCodeSimpleType
Valid value Description 0101 Treason 0102 Treason Misprision 0103 Espionage 0104 Sabotage 0105 Sedition 0106 Selective Service 0199 Sovereignty 0201 Military Desertion 0299 Military 0301 Illegal Entry 0302 False Citizenship 0303 Smuggling Aliens 0399 Immigration 0901 Homicide - Willful Kill - Family - Gun 0902 Homicide - Willful Kill - Family - Weapon (identify weapon) 0903 Homicide - Willful Kill - Nonfamily - Gun 0904 Homicide - Willful Kill - Nonfamily - Weapon (identify weapon) 0905 Homicide - Willful Kill - Pub Off - Gun 0906 Homicide - Willful Kill - Pub Off - Weapon (identify weapon) 0907 Homicide - Willful Kill - Pol Off - Gun 0908 Homicide - Willful Kill - Pol Off - Weapon (identify weapon) 0909 Homicide - Neglig Mansl - Veh 0910 Homicide - Neglig Mansl - Weapon (identify weapon) 0911 Homicide - Willful Kill - Gun 0912 Homicide - Willful Kill - Weapon (identify weapon) 0913 Homicide - John or Jane Doe - No Warrant 0999 Homicide (describe offense) 1001 Kidnap Minor For Ransom 1002 Kidnap Adult For Ransom 1003 Kidnap Minor To Sexually Asslt 1004 Kidnap Adult To Sexually Asslt 1005 Kidnap Minor 1006 Kidnap Adult 1007 Kidnap Hostage For Escape 1008 Abduct - No Ransom Or Asslt 1009 Kidnap- Hijack Aircraft 1010 Kidnap Minor - Parental 1011 Kidnap Minor - Nonparental 1020 False Imprisonment - Minor - Nonparental 1021 False Imprisonment - Minor - Parental 1099 Kidnaping (describe offense) 1101 Rape - Gun 1102 Rape With Weapon (identify weapon) 1103 Rape - Strong-arm 1104 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Boy - Gun 1105 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Man - Gun 1106 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Girl - Gun 1107 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Woman - Gun 1108 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Boy - Weapon (identify weapon) 1109 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Man - Weapon (identify weapon) 1110 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Girl - Weapon (identify weapon) 1111 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Woman - Weapon (identify weapon) 1112 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Boy - Stgarm 1113 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Man - Stgarm 1114 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Girl - Stgarm 1115 Sex Asslt - Sodomy - Woman - Stgarm 1116 Stat Rape - No Force 1117 Sex Asslt - Carnal Abuse 1118 Rape - Elderly 1119 Rape - Disabled 1120 Sex Assault - Elderly 1121 Sex Assault - Disabled 1122 Rape - Drug-induced 1123 Sexual Assault - Drug-Induced 1198 Rape (Use the MIS Field to further describe offense) 1199 Sex Asslt (describe offense) 1201 Robbery - Business - Gun 1202 Robbery - Business - Weapon (identify weapon) 1203 Robbery - Business - Stgarm 1204 Robbery - Street - Gun 1205 Robbery - Street - Weapon (identify weapon) 1206 Robbery - Street - Stgarm 1207 Robbery - Resid - Gun 1208 Robbery - Resid - Weapon (identify weapon) 1209 Robbery - Resid - Stgarm 1210 Forcible Purse Snatching 1211 Robbery - Banking - Type Inst 1212 Carjacking - Armed 1299 Robbery (describe offense) 1301 Aggrav Asslt - Family - Gun 1302 Aggrav Asslt - Family - Weapon (identify weapon) 1303 Aggrav Asslt - Family - Stgarm 1304 Aggrav Asslt - Nonfamily - Gun 1305 Aggrav Asslt - Nonfamily - Weapon (identify weapon) 1306 Aggrav Asslt - Nonfamily - Stgarm 1307 Aggrav Asslt - Pub Off - Gun 1308 Aggrav Asslt - Pub Off - Weapon (identify weapon) 1309 Aggrav Asslt - Pub Off - Stgarm 1310 Aggrav Asslt - Pol Off - Gun 1311 Aggrav Asslt - Pol Off - Weapon (identify weapon) 1312 Aggrav Asslt - Pol Off - Stgarm 1313 Simple Asslt 1314 Aggrav Asslt - Gun 1315 Aggrav Asslt - Weapon (identify weapon) 1316 Intimidation (includes stalking) 1399 Assault (describe offense) (Note: This code should be used also for the offense "Interference with Flight Crew Members and Attendants" [49 U.S.C. 46504]) 1401 Abortional Act on Other 1402 Abortional Act on Self 1403 Submission To Abortional Act 1404 Abortifacient (selling, mfg., delivering, etc.) 1499 Abortion (describe offense) 1601 Threat - Federal Protectees (President, Vice President, etc.) 1602 Threat - Terroristic - State Offenses 1701 State/Local - Material Witness 1702 Federal - Material Witness 2001 Arson - Business - Endangered Life 2002 Arson - Resid - Endangered Life 2003 Arson - Business - Defraud Insurer 2004 Arson - Resid - Defraud Insurer 2005 Arson - Business 2006 Arson - Resid 2007 Burning Of - (identify object) 2008 Arson - Pub - Bldg - Endangered Life 2009 Arson - Pub - Bldg 2099 Arson (describe offense) 2101 Extort - Threat Injure Person 2102 Extort - Threat Damage Prop 2103 Extort - Threat Injure Reputation 2104 Extort - Threat Accuse Person of Crime 2105 Extort - Threat of Informing of Vio 2199 Extortion (describe offense) 2201 Burgl - Safe - Vault 2202 Burgl - Forced Entry - Resid 2203 Burgl - Forced Entry - Nonresid 2204 Burgl - No Forced Entry - Resid 2205 Burgl - No Forced Entry - Nonresid 2206 Burgl Tools - Possess 2207 Burgl - Banking - Type Inst 2299 Burglary (describe offense) 2301 Pocketpicking 2302 Purse Snatching - No Force 2303 Shoplifting 2304 Larc - Parts From Veh 2305 Larc - From Auto 2306 Larc - From Shipment 2307 Larc - From Coin Machine 2308 Larc - From Bldg 2309 Larc - From Yards 2310 Larc - From Mails 2311 Larc - From Banking-type Inst 2312 Larc - From Interstate Shipment 2313 Obstruct Correspondence (postal violation) 2314 Theft Of US Govt Prop 2315 Larc On US Govt Reserv 2316 Larc - Postal 2399 Larceny (describe offense) 2401 Theft And Sale Veh 2402 Theft And Strip Veh 2403 Theft And Use Veh Other Crime 2404 Vehicle Theft 2405 Theft Veh By Bailee 2406 Receive Stolen Veh 2407 Strip Stolen Veh 2408 Possess Stolen Veh 2409 Interstate Transp Stolen Veh 2410 Aircraft Theft 2411 Unauth Use Of Veh (includes joyriding) 2499 Stolen Vehicle (describe offense) 2501 Forgery Of Checks 2502 Forgery Of - (identify object) 2503 Counterfeiting Of - (identify object) 2504 Pass Forged - (use "pass" for "utter" and/or "distribute") - (identify object) 2505 Pass Counterfeited (use "pass" for "utter" and/or "distribute") - (identify object) 2506 Possess Forged - (identify object) 2507 Possess Counterfeited - (identify object) 2508 Possess Tools For Forgery/Counterfeiting 2509 Transport Forged - (identify object) 2510 Transport Counterfeited - (identify object) 2511 Transport Tools For Forgery/Counterfeiting 2589 Forgery (describe offense) 2599 Counterfeiting (describe offense) 2601 Fraud - Confidence Game 2602 Fraud - Swindle 2603 Mail Fraud 2604 Fraud - Imperson 2605 Fraud - Illeg Use Credit Cards 2606 Fraud - Insuff Funds Check 2607 Fraud - False Statement 2608 Fraud By Wire 2609 Fraud and Abuse - Computer 2610 Identity Theft 2699 Fraud (describe offense) 2701 Embezzle - Business Prop 2702 Embezzle - Interstate Shipment 2703 Embezzle - Banking - Type Inst 2704 Embezzle - Public Prop (U.S., state, city prop.) 2705 Embezzle - Postal 2799 Embezzle (describe offense) 2801 Sale Of Stolen Prop 2802 Transport Interstate Stolen Prop 2803 Receive Stolen Prop 2804 Possess Stolen Prop 2805 Conceal Stolen Prop 2899 Stolen Property (describe offense) 2901 Damage Prop - Business 2902 Damage Prop - Private 2903 Damage Prop - Public 2904 Damage Prop - Business - With Explosive 2905 Damage Prop - Private - With Explosive 2906 Damage Prop - Public - With Explosive 2999 Damage Property (describe offense) 3501 Hallucinogen - Mfr (NOT TO INCLUDE MARIJUANA) 3502 Hallucinogen - Distrib (NOT TO INCLUDE MARIJUANA) 3503 Hallucinogen - Sell (NOT TO INCLUDE MARIJUANA) 3504 Hallucinogen - Possess (NOT TO INCLUDE MARIJUANA) 3505 Hallucinogen - (NOT TO INCLUDE MARIJUANA) (describe offense) 3510 Heroin - Sell 3511 Heroin - Smuggle 3512 Heroin - Possess 3513 Heroin (describe offense) 3520 Opium or Deriv - Sell 3521 Opium or Deriv - Smuggle 3522 Opium or Deriv - Possess 3523 Opium or Deriv (describe offense) 3530 Cocaine - Sell 3531 Cocaine - Smuggle 3532 Cocaine - Possess 3533 Cocaine (describe offense) 3540 Synth Narcotic - Sell 3541 Synth Narcotic - Smuggle 3542 Synth Narcotic - Possess 3543 Synth Narcotic (describe offense) 3550 Narcotic Equip - Possess 3560 Marijuana - Sell 3561 Marijuana - Smuggle 3562 Marijuana - Possess 3563 Marijuana - Producing 3564 Marijuana (describe offense) 3570 Amphetamine - Mfr 3571 Amphetamine - Sell 3572 Amphetamine - Possess 3573 Amphetamine (describe offense) 3580 Barbiturate - Mfr 3581 Barbiturate - Sell 3582 Barbiturate - Possess 3583 Barbiturate (describe offense) 3599 Dangerous Drugs (describe offense) 3601 Sex Offense - Against Child - Fondling 3602 Homosexual Act With Girl 3603 Homosexual Act With Boy 3604 Incest With Minor 3605 Indecent Exposure (to minors and adults) 3606 Bestiality 3607 Incest With Adult 3608 Seduction Of Adult 3609 Homosexual Act With Woman 3610 Homosexual Act With Man 3611 Peeping Tom 3612 Failure to Register As A Sex Offender 3613 Sex Offender Registration Violation 3614 Indecent Exposure to Minor 3615 Indecent Exposure to Adult 3616 Lewd or Lascivious Acts with Minor 3617 Sexually Violate Human Remains/Necrophilia 3618 Molestation of Minor 3619 Voyeurism 3620 Sex Offense - Elderly 3621 Sex Offense - Disabled 3622 Transport Interstate for Sexual Activity 3623 Indecent Liberties 3699 Sex Offense (describe offense) 3700 Obscene Material 3701 Obscene Material - Mfr 3702 Obscene Material - Sell 3703 Obscene Material - Mailing 3704 Obscene Material - Possess 3705 Obscene Material - Distrib 3706 Obscene Material - Transport 3707 Obscene Communication 3799 Obscenity (describe offense) 3801 Neglect Family 3802 Cruelty Toward Child 3803 Cruelty Toward Wife 3804 Bigamy 3805 Contrib Delinq Minor 3806 Neglect Child (includes nonsupport of child) 3807 Nonpayment Of Alimony 3808 Nonsupport Of Parent 3809 Cruelty Toward Elderly 3810 Cruelty Toward Disabled 3811 Neglect Elderly 3812 Neglect Disabled 3899 Family Offense (describe offense) 3901 Bookmaking 3902 Card Game - Operating 3904 Card Game 3905 Dice Game - Operating 3907 Dice Game 3908 Gambling Device - Possess 3909 Gambling Device - Transport 3910 Gambling Device - Not Registered 3911 Gambling Device 3912 Gambling Goods - Possess 3913 Gambling Goods - Transport 3914 Gambling Goods 3915 Lottery - Operating 3916 Lottery - Runner 3918 Lottery 3919 Sports Tampering 3920 Transmit Wager Information 3921 Establish Gambling Place 3999 Gambling (describe offense) 4001 Keeping House Ill Fame 4002 Procure For Prostitute (pimping) (use when prostitutes are minors or adults) 4003 Commerical Sex - Homosexual Prostitution 4004 Prostitution 4005 Frequent House Ill Fame 4006 Trnsp Female Interstate for Immoral Purp 4007 Procure for Prostitute Who Is A Minor 4008 Procure for Prostitute Who Is An Adult 4009 Transport Interstate for Commercialized Sex 4099 Commercial Sex (describe offense) 4101 Liquor - Mfr 4102 Liquor - Sell 4103 Liquor - Transport 4104 Liquor - Possess 4199 Liquor (describe offense) 4801 Resisting Officer 4802 Obstruct Criminal Invest 4803 Making False Report 4804 Evidence - Destroying 4805 Witness - Dissuading 4806 Witness - Deceiving 4807 Refusing to Aid Officer 4808 Compounding Crime 4809 Unauth Communication With Prisoner 4810 Illegal Arrest 4811 Crossing Police Lines 4812 Failure Report Crime 4813 Failing to Move On 4899 Obstruct Police (describe offense) 4901 Escape - (identify type of institution) (enter date of escape in Date of Warrant [DOW] Field) 4902 Flight To Avoid - (prosecution, confinement, etc.) 4903 Aiding Prisoner Escape (identify type of institution) 4904 Harboring Escape/Fugitive 4999 Flight - Escape (describe offense) 5001 Bail - Secured Bond 5002 Bail - Personal Recog 5003 Perjury 5004 Perjury - Subornation Of 5005 Contempt Of Court - 5006 Obstructing Justice 5007 Obstructing Court Order 5008 Misconduct - Judic Officer 5009 Contempt Of Congress 5010 Contempt Of Legislature 5011 Parole Violation - 5012 Prob Violation - 5013 Condit Release Violation 5014 Mandatory Release Violation 5015 Failure To Appear - 5016 Violation of a Court Order 5099 Obstruct - (specify Judic, Congr, Legis, Commsn) - 5101 Bribe - Giving 5102 Bribe - Offering 5103 Bribe - Receiving 5104 Bribe (describe offense) 5105 Conflict Of Interest 5106 Gratuity - Giving 5107 Gratuity - Offering 5108 Gratuity - Receiving 5109 Gratuity (describe offense) 5110 Kickback - Giving 5111 Kickback - Offering 5112 Kickback - Receiving 5113 Kickback (describe offense) 5199 Bribery (describe offense) 5201 Altering Identification On Weapon (specify weapon) 5202 Carrying Concealed Weapon (specify weapon) 5203 Carrying Prohibited Weapon (specify weapon) 5204 Explosives - Teaching Use (specify type of explosive) 5205 Explosives - Transporting (specify type of explosive) 5206 Explosives - Using (specify type of explosive) 5207 Incendiary Device - Possess (specify type of device) 5208 Incendiary Device - Using (specify type of device) 5209 Incendiary Device - Teaching Use (specify type of device) (do not use if ARSON) 5210 Licensing - Registration Weapon (specify weapon) 5211 Explosives - Possessing (specify type of explosive) 5212 Possession Of Weapon (specify weapon) 5213 Firing Weapon (specify weapon) 5214 Selling Weapon (specify weapon) 5215 Threat To Bomb (describe offense) 5216 Threat To Burn (describe offense) 5217 Weapon Trafficking 5299 Weapon Offense (describe offense) 5301 Anarchism 5302 Riot - Inciting 5303 Riot - Engaging In 5304 Riot - Interfere Firearm 5305 Riot - Interfere Officer 5306 Riot (describe offense) 5307 Assembly - Unlawful 5309 Harassing Communication 5310 Desecrating Flag 5311 Disord Conduct (specify conduct) 5399 Public Peace (describe offense) 5401 Hit And Run 5402 Transp Dangerous Material 5403 Driving Under Influence Drugs 5404 Driving Under Influence Liquor 5499 Traffic Offense (describe offense) 5501 Drugs - Adulterated 5502 Drugs - Misbranded 5503 Drugs - Health or Safety 5510 Food - Adulterated 5511 Food - Misbranded 5512 Food - Health or Safety 5520 Cosmetics - Adulterated 5521 Cosmetics - Misbranded 5522 Cosmetics - Health or Safety 5599 Health - Safety (describe offense) 5699 Civil Rights (describe offense) 5701 Divulge Eavesdrop Info 5702 Divulge Eavesdrop Order 5703 Divulge Message Contents 5704 Eavesdropping (describe offense) 5705 Eavesdrop Equip (describe offense) 5706 Opening Sealed Communication 5707 Trespassing (describe offense) 5708 Wiretap - Failure To Report 5799 Invade Privacy (describe offense) 5801 Smuggle Contraband (specify type) 5802 Smuggle Contraband Into Prison (specify type) 5803 Smuggle To Avoid Paying Duty (specify type) 5899 Smuggling (describe offense) 5999 Election Laws (describe offense) 6099 Antitrust (describe offense) 6101 Income Tax (describe offense) 6102 Sales Tax (describe offense) 6103 Liquor Tax (describe offense) 6199 Tax Revenue (describe offense) 6201 Conservation - Animals (describe offense) 6202 Conservation - Fish (describe offense) 6203 Conservation - Birds (describe offense) 6204 Conservation - License - Stamp (describe offense) 6205 Conservation - Environment (describe offense) 6299 Conservation (describe offense) 6300 Money Laundering (describe offense) 6401 Sexual Exploitation of Minor - Material - Transport 6402 Sexual Exploitation of Minor - Material - Photograph 6403 Sexual Exploitation of Minor - Material - Film 6404 Sexual Exploitation of Minor - Exhibition of Minor 6405 Sexual Exploitation of Minor - Sex Performance 6406 Sexual Exploitation of Minor - Via Telecommunications 6407 Sexual Exploitation of Minor - Prostitution 6408 Enticement of Minor for Indecent Purposes - via Telecommunications 6409 Enticement of Minor for Prostitution 6410 Enticement of Minor for Indecent Purposes 6411 Human Trafficking 6499 Exploitation/Enticement (Use the MIS Field to further describe offense) 7099 Crimes Against Person 7199 Property Crimes 7299 Morals - Decency Crimes 7399 Public Order Crimes 8100 Escape From Custody 8101 Abscond While On Parole 8102 Abscond While On Probation
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Type cyfs:JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegationType via extension of j:ChargeType (Element cyfs:JuvenileAbuseNeglectAllegation)
- Type j:ChargeType (Elements cyfs:Allegation, cyfs:PendingCharge, j:AmendedCharge, j:ArrestCharge, j:CaseAmendedCharge, j:CaseCharge, j:Charge ...more)
- Type j:JuvenileActivityChargeDispositionType via extension of j:ChargeType
- Type j:JuvenileActivityChargeType via extension of j:ChargeType
Substitution hierarchy
- j:ChargeNCIC
- can be substituted with j:ChargeNCICCode
Sample instance