Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > internationalTrade.xsd > it:DutyTaxFeeCategoryCodeType
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Data type for representing the DutyTaxFeeCategory

Complex type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      AAGHarmonised sales tax, Canadian
      AAHQuebec sales tax
      EXPAgricultural export rebate
      GCNGeneral construction tax
      AABProvisional countervailing duty cash
      SUPSuspended duty
      AAEEnergy fee
      PRFPreference duty
      PDCProvisional duty cash
      IMPImport tax
      VADValuation deposit
      CUDCustoms duty
      CARCar tax
      ADDAnti-dumping duty
      ENVEnvironmental tax
      AACProvisional countervailing duty bond
      LSTLust tax
      OTHOther taxes
      LCNLocal construction tax
      VATValue added tax
      GSTGoods and services tax
      AAAPetroleum tax
      PDBProvisional duty bond
      INDIndividual tax
      MCAMonetary compensatory amount
      SSSShifted social securities
      LDPLight dues payable
      TOXTurnover tax
      FETFederal excise tax
      SWTShifted wage tax
      AAJTax on replacement part
      CSTCommodity specific tax
      MCDMiscellaneous cash deposit
      TACAlcohol mark tax
      CVDCountervailing duty
      LOCLocal sales tax
      AAFCoffee tax
      AADTobacco tax
      LACBusiness license fee
      AAICanadian provincial sales tax
      EXCExcise duty
      STTState/provincial sales tax
      COCPaper consortium tax (Italy)
      BOLStamp duty (Imposta di Bollo)
      ILLIlluminants tax
      SCNSpecial construction tax
      CAPAgricultural levy
      TTATonnage taxes
  • Attributes

    s:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    s:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    s:linkMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup

    Type inheritance chain

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