Data type for representing the DutyTaxFeeCategory
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/internationalTrade/2.1/internationalTrade.xsd
NIEM properties:
- Base: s:ComplexObjectType
Valid value Description AAG Harmonised sales tax, Canadian AAH Quebec sales tax EXP Agricultural export rebate GCN General construction tax AAB Provisional countervailing duty cash SUP Suspended duty AAE Energy fee PRF Preference duty TOT Total PDC Provisional duty cash IMP Import tax VAD Valuation deposit CUD Customs duty CAR Car tax ADD Anti-dumping duty ENV Environmental tax AAC Provisional countervailing duty bond LST Lust tax OTH Other taxes LCN Local construction tax VAT Value added tax GST Goods and services tax AAA Petroleum tax PDB Provisional duty bond IND Individual tax MCA Monetary compensatory amount SSS Shifted social securities LDP Light dues payable TOX Turnover tax FET Federal excise tax SWT Shifted wage tax AAJ Tax on replacement part CST Commodity specific tax MCD Miscellaneous cash deposit TAC Alcohol mark tax CVD Countervailing duty LOC Local sales tax AAF Coffee tax AAD Tobacco tax LAC Business license fee AAI Canadian provincial sales tax EXC Excise duty STT State/provincial sales tax FRE Free COC Paper consortium tax (Italy) BOL Stamp duty (Imposta di Bollo) ILL Illuminants tax SCN Special construction tax CAP Agricultural levy TTA Tonnage taxes
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- it:DutyTaxFeeCategoryCodeSimpleType
- extended by it:DutyTaxFeeCategoryCodeType
- it:DutyTaxFeeCategoryCodeSimpleType