A GML property type to encapsulate or reference a NIEM Geospatial. The Geography Markup Language (GML) specification uses property types and elements to encapsulate or reference GML class elements with identity. This type allows NIEM Geospatial elements to be referenced from GML conformant application schemas developed for use with NIEM.
Complex type information
Schema document: geospatial/2.0/geospatial.xsd
NIEM properties:
- Base: s:ComplexObjectType
- Choice [0..*]
- geo:AbstractContinuousCoverage A coverage that can return different values for the same feature attribute at different direct positions within a single spatiotemporal object.
- geo:AbstractDiscreteCoverage A coverage with finite domain set ((temporal) geometry objects), range set (attribute values mapped to domain), and optional coverage function.
- geo:CommunityAddress A Puerto Rican urbanization address where the urbanization name is preceded by a number, and no street name is included.
- geo:MultiSiteLandmarkAddress A landmark address specified by two landmark names, where one landmark is inside the other.
- geo:SingleSiteLandmarkAddress A landmark address specified by reference to a single landmark.
- geo:USPSGeneralDeliveryAddress A USPS General Delivery Address that has no definite relation to the location of the recipient.
- geo:USPSPostalDeliveryBox A USPS Postal Delivery Box that has no definite relation to the location of the recipient.
- geo:USPSPostalDeliveryRoute A USPS Postal Delivery Route address that has no definite relation to the location of the recipient.
- geo:FourNumberAddressRange Left and right side thoroughfare (road, walkway, railroad, river) address ranges specified by low and high address numbers.
- geo:IntersectionAddress An address specified by the names of two thoroughfare addresses.
- geo:LandmarkSiteAddress An address that is both a thoroughfare (road, walkway, railroad, river) address and a landmark address.
- geo:SiteAddress Singular location referenced off of a linear feature, having a numeric identifier.
- geo:TwoNumberAddressRange A thoroughfare (road, walkway, railroad, river) address range specified by low and high address numbers.
- geo:UnnumberedThoroughfareAddress An unnumbered thoroughfare (road, walkway, railroad, river) address.
- geo:GeneralAddress Any address classes, for files in which the various classes are mixed together.
- geo:XLSAddress An Address as encoded for OGC Open Location Services, e.g. for display on PDA or Cell Phone.
- geo:CategoryObservation An Observation, in which the result is a textual value from a controlled vocabulary. See: Observation.
- geo:CommonObservation An Observation, in which a value record schema specifies the encoding of the values of the observed properties. See: Observation.
- geo:CountObservation An Observation, in which the result is an integer representing the count of the observed property. See: Observation.
- geo:DetermineRouteRequest Determine Route request parameters for an OGC OpenLS Navigation Service.
- geo:DetermineRouteResponse Determine Route response from an OGC OpenLS Navigation Service.
- geo:Event Description of an event, particularly one that causes transformation, creation or destruction of a geospatial feature. See: Feature.
- geo:IFCXML Container for an ifcXML data exchange representing the architecture and engineering structure of a building.
- geo:LandXML A LandXML data structure containing civil engineering or land development geospatial features. See: Feature.
- geo:ArcByCenterPoint A 2D arc defined by its center point, radius, and bearings at start and end.
- geo:AreaOfInterest An Area of Interest as defined by a named circle, bounding box, or polygon, used in OGC Open Location Services.
- geo:CircleByCenterPoint A 2D ArcByCenterPoint with identical start and end angles that forms a full circle.
- geo:CircularArc A 2D arc defined by its center point, two radii (r[1] > r[2]), and start and end angles.
- geo:Ellipse An ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis, and rotation.
- geo:EndModeWayPoint Ending point of a multi-modal route that ends at a transportation mode (e.g. foot, bicycle, taxi, bus, rail, boat, airplane) transfer point.
- geo:Feature A geospatial feature; any real world object with location; e.g. building, road, river, county, town, parcel, traffic sign.
- geo:FeatureCollection A collection of geospatial features; any real world objects with location. See: FeatureType.
- geo:Geometry Any geometry. Specifies a Coordinate Reference System or must inherit one from a containing element.
- geo:LineString A geometric curve that consists of a single segment with linear interpolation.
- geo:MultiCurve A geometry collection that includes one or more curves or line strings.
- geo:MultiGeometry A geometry collection that includes one or more geometries, potentially of different types.
- geo:MultiPoint A geometry collection that includes one or more points.
- geo:MultiPolygon A geometry collection that includes one or more Polygons.
- geo:MultiSurface A geometry collection that includes one or more surfaces or polygons.
- geo:NiemGeographicCoordinate Deprecated non-standard location using u:GeographicCoordinateType. Use standard gs:Point instead if possible.
- geo:Point A 2D or 3D geometric point.
- geo:PointOfInterest Something with a fixed position that may be used as a reference point or a target in an OpenLS service. A POI is the primary output from an OpenLS Directory Service.
- geo:Polygon A polygon; a geometric surface defined by a single surface patch whose boundary is coplanar.
- geo:Position An observed or calculated geographic position and quality of position; the primary output from an OpenLS Gateway Service.
- geo:RelativeLocation A relative location is a specified distance from a location in a specified direction.
- geo:StartModeWayPoint Starting point of a multi-modal route that starts at a transportation mode (e.g. foot, bicycle, taxi, bus, rail, boat, airplane) transfer point.
- geo:ViaModeWayPoint Intermediate transportation mode (e.g. foot, bicycle, taxi, bus, rail, boat, airplane) transfer point of a multi-modal route.
- geo:Map A map image (gif, jpeg, png, tiff, svg, etc.), base64 encoded in-line, or referenced via a URL. A local reference to a map image (gif, jpeg, png, tiff, svg, etc.), base64 encoded in-line, or referenced via a URL.
- geo:MapViewContext Map view context information to retrieve a particular map image from an OGC Web Map Service (WMS).
- geo:MapWithViewContext A map and its view context. See: Map, MapViewContext. A reference to a map and its view context. See: Map, MapViewContext.
- geo:Measurement An Observation, the result of which is a relative measure, with a unit of measure, relative code, and quantity. See: Observation.
- geo:MovingObject A moving (feature) object with a track of its past and/or projected positions at certain times. See: Feature.
- geo:MovingObjectCollection A moving (feature collection) object with a track of its past and/or projected positions at certain times. See: FeatureCollection. A reference to a moving (feature collection) object with a track of its past and/or projected positions at certain times. See: FeatureCollection.
- geo:Observation A generic observation of an event. See:AbstractObservation.
- geo:ObservationCollection A composite collection of observations of an event. See: Event
- geo:RouteModeInstruction An Open Location Services route mode instruction extended with transportation mode (e.g. foot, bicycle, taxi, bus, rail, boat, airplane) information.
- geo:TruthObservation An Observation, in which the result is a boolean value representing the truth value (usually existence) of the observed property. See: Observation.
from subst. group geo:Geospatialfrom subst. group geo:Addressfrom subst. group geo:AnyLandmarkAddressfrom subst. group geo:AnyPostalAddressfrom subst. group geo:AnyThoroughfareAddressfrom subst. group geo:Location
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used by
- Element geo:GeospatialProperty
- Element geo:LocationProperty
Type inheritance chain
- s:ComplexObjectType
- geo:GeospatialPropertyType