An observed or calculated geographic position and quality of position; the primary output from an OpenLS Gateway Service.
Element information
Schema document: geospatial/2.0/geospatial.xsd
- xls:Position [1..*] The Position ADT. Normally used to represent an observation/calculated position for a mobile terminal, but can be any position used by the platform. Contains Point with optional Shape, QoP, Speed, Direction and Time. Also has levelOfConfidence attribute.
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used in
- Type geo:LocationPropertyType
- Type geo:RelativeLocationType (Element geo:RelativeLocation)
- Type geo:GeospatialPropertyType (Elements geo:GeospatialProperty, geo:LocationProperty)
Substitution hierarchy
- geo:Geospatial
- can be substituted with geo:Location
- can be substituted with geo:Position
- can be substituted with geo:Location
Sample instance
<geo:Position> <xls:Position> <gml:Point> <gml:metaDataProperty>... </gml:metaDataProperty> <gml:description>string</gml:description> <gml:name>string</gml:name> <gml:pos>1.0 1.0</gml:pos> </gml:Point> <xls:Ellipse> <gml:metaDataProperty>... </gml:metaDataProperty> <gml:description>string</gml:description> <gml:name>string</gml:name> <gml:pos>1.0 1.0</gml:pos> <xls:majorAxis uom="">1.0</xls:majorAxis> <xls:minorAxis uom="">1.0</xls:minorAxis> <xls:rotation uom="">1.0</xls:rotation> </xls:Ellipse> <xls:QoP> <xls:HorizontalAcc>... </xls:HorizontalAcc> <xls:VerticalAcc>... </xls:VerticalAcc> </xls:QoP> <xls:Time begin="2000-01-01T12:00:00"/> <xls:Speed value="1.0"/> <xls:Direction value="1.0"/> </xls:Position> </geo:Position>