Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > simpleTypeDerivation.xsd > simpleTypeDerivation.xsd
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Definitive XML Schema


Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA


Advanced XML Applications



This schema is based on the W3C XML Schema schema for XML Schemas: Part 2: Datatypes
The definitions of the "magic" built-in datatypes have been removed
The components for defining derived simpleTypes are retained, but defined in a new namespace.
OGC 05-087r4 page 88 © OGC 2006 – All rights reserved

  DHS Changes:  
    2006-09-28 Changed schema location for 
      from ../../../../../xml/1998/namespace/xml.xsd (rule-based)
      to ../../../../../w3c-xml/1998/xml.xsd (special case)
	2006-09-22 Changed namespaces following NIEM conventions
		 1) targetnamespace
    2006-09-18 versioned namespace (was ""),
    import local copy of xml.xsd

Schema document information


File path: external/ogc-observation/draft-0.14.5/st/dhs-gmo/1.0.0/simpleTypeDerivation.xsd

Properties: Element Form Default: qualified, Language: en

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